
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

All India Radio plans expansions

India’s Information and Broadcasting Ministry has approved over 550 million US dollars for Indian national public broadcaster Doordarshan’s development, as part of the country’s tenth five-year plan outlay. Additionally, over US$88 million US has been set aside for the expansion of All India Radio’s (AIR) services.

As part of the expansion plans for AIR, a special package will be provided for Jammu and Kashmir, and the north-eastern states including Andaman and Nicobar Islands. This was announced by the Minister for Information and Broadcasting and parliamentary affairs Priyaranjan Dasmunsi in parliament.

(Source: Commonwealth Broadcasting Association/R. Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

GVH: No mention if All India Radio's expansion will be for their shortwave services or shift to an FM service as speculated for sometime next year.