
Saturday, August 26, 2006

Radio Mi Amigo to air via radio ship Aug 31

Hans Knot writes: “[Dutch] Internet radio station Radio Mi Amigo 192 will be ‘on air’ from a radioship, MS Fortuna, remembering the days of Offshore Radio. The station claims to be a follow up to the offshore radio station Mi Amigo. It is this year 32 years since the Dutch law against the offshore stations came in. Mi Amigo went on transmitting her programmes up till 1979. On the trip with the Fortuna can be listened to between August 30 at 18 hrs Dutch time (1600 UTC) up till late in the evening of August 31st. Known voices from then, including Peter de Vries, Ad Roberts, Hendrik van Nellestijd, Ferry Eden, Ad Roland and Erik de Zwart can be heard.”

And since Hans wrote that, Radio Mi Amigo 192 has announced that, provided the weather is good, the broadcast on 31 August will also be carried on mediumwave 1224 kHz in the Central Netherlands - that’s one of the frequencies that are still licensed to Quality Radio. But, the station says that the mediumwave transmitter cannot be used if the weather is bad. Make of that what you will.

(Source: R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)