
Monday, August 07, 2006

Radio Tirana's program preview

ALBANIA R. Tirana broadcasts two programmes, of 15 and 30 mins in English, Mon-Sat.

MONDAY: Nx Edition, Albania in a Week (the most important political developments during the past week), Cultural Activities

TUESDAY: Nx Bulletin, A Note, Mail-Box, Sports Round-Up

WENESDAY: News, Albania Under the Regional and European Integration
Process, Light Entertainment Music

THURSDAY: Albanian Economy on Facts, Focus on Albania

FRIDAY: News, A Note, Albanian Outstanding Personalities Profile

SATURDAY: News, The Mosaic of the Week, Folk Traditional Music.
(Richard G. Read, Radio World, July WDXC Contact/WWDXC-Top News)

The following complete English service targeted to Europe reflects our current schedule:
mtwhfa - Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat
0145-0200 twhfas 6115 7455
0230-0300 twhfas 6115 7450
1845-1900 mtwhfa 7465 9920
2000-2030 mtwhfa 7465
2130-2200 mtwhfa 7465
(Source: Gayle VH/Monitoring Times)