
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Amateur Radio special event postings

XE - Fernando, EA1CNF reports he will operate as XE1/EA1CNF from Mexico on 5-9 September. QSl via home call, direct or bureau.

OZ - Klaus, DJ4JI will be active as OZ/DJ4JI from Bornholm Island (EU-030, BO-001 for the Danish Islands Award) on 3-13 September. He plans to operate on 80, 40 and 20 metres, SSB only. QSL via home call. [TNX]

OZ - Look for Frank, OZ/DL2SWW and Gabi, OZ/DF9TM to be active from Laeso Island (EU-088) on 3-15 September. They plan to operate CW and SSB on 80-10 metres, possibly on 160 metres CW and 6 metres as well. QSL via home calls. [TNX VA3RJ]

YB - Special event station YE9BALI will be active on all bands CW and SSB from Bali Island (OC-022) on 5-10 September for the Bali Ham Festival 2006. QSL via YB9BU. [TNX YB9BU]

7Q - Once again Ely, IN3VZE will be active as 7Q7CE from Malawi from 18 September to 6 October. He plans to operate SSB on 80-10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX IN3VZE]

E5 - Ken, ZL4HU will be active as E51KH from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands between 7 and 22 September. He plans to operate on 20 metres SSB. QSL direct to home call. [TNX The Daily DX]

GD - Lars, DF1LON and Georg, DL1ECG will operate as MD0LON and MD0ECG from the Isle of Man (EU-116) on 7-11 September. QSL via home calls. They will participate in the WAE SSB Contest (9-10 September) as GD6IA (QSL direct). [TNX and DL1ECG]

F - Gilles/F5JPG, Michel/F5UTL, Dominique/F1CNB, Luis/F5THW and Juan/F5IRC will operate as TM2P from Pilier Island (EU-064) and lighthouse on 8-10 September. QSL via F5IRC. [TNX F5NQL]

ON - The Verviers Radio Amateur Group will operate as ON4USA from the WWII American Military Cemetery at Henri-Chapelle on 9-10 September. QSL via ON4GDV. Further information can be found at [TNX VA3RJ]

OZ - Andy, DL4OK/NX1S will be active as OZ/NX1S from Romo Island (EU-125) on 9-16 September. He expect to operate mostly on 40 and 20 metres. QSL via DL4OK, direct or bureau. [TNX DL4OK]
(Source: 425 DX News)