
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

ARO Special Event to Israel Nov 3-4

4Z0, ISRAEL (Special Event). Just a reminder that the Holyland DX Group will operate as 4Z0J from the "Jesus Boat" located near the Sea of Galilee in Yigal Alon's Center on November 3-4th starting at 0700z and ending on Saturday at 1500z. Operators will be Shalom/4Z4BS, Mark/4Z4KX, Ilya/4Z1UF, Ros/4Z5LA, Ruben/4Z5FI, Yuli/4X6HP and Jan/4X1VF. Activity will be CW/SSB on all bands 80-10 meters. The square for the Holyland Award is M05KT. The group also plans to operate mobile from several squares around the main location for the HOLYLAND AWARD program. QSL Manager is Shalom, 4Z4BS. For more info on the "Jesus Boat", visit the Web page at:
(Source: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin # 782)