
Friday, December 22, 2006

Algeria logging observations

ALGERIA 1422 R. Algerienne (formerly RTA), Ouled Fayet, obs'ed withFrench // to 252 at 2250-2310, 14 Dec, oldies, prgr announcement, "chainetrois" ID, newscast 2300; 54433, QRM de D.(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Dec 15)
Polisario Front's 1550 kHz [RASD] outlet via Tindouf, ALG, offers a betteraudio than on // new 6215, ex-7460. Observed it y/day, 15 Dec, 2300 so asto know exactly which freqs. the Spanish speaking announcers wouldmention, but nothing of the sort, just prgr ann's. Their usual s/on tuneseems to have been replaced by a more informal prgr start.(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Dec 16)

I picked RSDA on 6215 kHz sign-on at 1700 UT Dec 18, with the NationalAnthem of the Sahrawi Democratic Republic, followed by OM and YL givingthe frequencies of 1550, 7425 and 700 kHz in meter band and kHz, stillannouncing the ex freq of 7425 kHz. Followed by Holly Quran recitation,followed by local songs, around 1730 UTC OM with intro of a program calledthe "journey of the night". Playing Egyptian and Lebanese music askinglisteners to participate in the program, followed by another local hit.(Tarek Zeidan-EGY SU1TZ, wwdxc BC-DX Dec 18)

ALGERIA [to We.SAHARA] Frequency change of RN de la Republica ArabeSaharaui Democratica:0700-0900 Arabic NF 6215, ex 74251700-2300 Arabic NF 6215, ex 74252300-2400 Spanish NF 6215, ex 7425[!!!! now on odd 6208 kHz {x6215}, wb]

(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX Dec 19)

(Source: WWDXC Top News (BC-DX # 787)