
Friday, December 01, 2006

Isle of Man longwave station delayed again

U.K./Isle of Man The launch of the new longwave station on 279 kHz Isle of Man International Broadcasting plc has been delayed again. The station's website now says that the anticipated start of test transmissions is early 2007, explaining that the latest delay is due to a change in antenna supplier following a breach of contract, as we previously reported.

The website gives an outline timetable for construction of the radio station's facilities:
"The Company has existing offices in the Viking Complex in St Paul's Square, Ramsey, which are being expanded to form a 6,000 square feet studio and office complex. A Marketing Suite and small presentation theatre will be incorporated, along with programme preparation and production suites, on air studios and technical areas. The remainder of the space will be taken up by offices.

Equipment for high power transmission facilities is never available 'off the shelf' and our transmitter and antenna are each custom built units which must also be properly interfaced.
After being held to ransom by an antenna supplier IMIB has now chosen to obtain this item elsewhere. This has been difficult due to patent protection applying in many countries however, in early November we reached agreement on all matters, the supplier has been paid a first
installment and work is now underway. Construction and delivery time has been quoted as 8 weeks (i.e. around the turn of the New Year) however this is clearly subject to external
influences such as supply of materials (Teflon insulators, aircraft grade aluminium and the correct encapsulating material for copper components in the array. In order to avoid further delays and to protect our suppliers from unwanted attention and publicity, by we shall not disclose further details until the station is ready to launch.

(The above indications are our aspirations and the Company regrets any delays due to factors beyond its control.) "

(Andy Sennitt, RNW MN Nov 17 via mwdx)
(Source: WWDXC-Top News, BC DX#783)