
Friday, December 22, 2006

Scandinavian Weekend Radio Christmas programming

SCANDINAVIAN WEEKEND RADIO Christmas Day transmission 2006
Programs on Christmas day will provide to you SWR elves: Miki, Häkä,RarioJaska, Esa, Pasi, Uncle-Pena and possible visitors.
At the Christmas time we don't have "real" program schedule, but probably you will heard all kind of music from pop and classical music to progressive rock from our frequencies on short- and medium waves.
For example following programs are planned to came out from SWR studios: letterbox, wine & cheese review and of course season greetings. Phone number to SWR studio during the transmissions is +358 400 995 559, phone calls and short messages are very welcome. E-mails to
Best Greetings,
Alpo HeinonenScandinavian Weekend Radio

SCANDINAVIAN WEEKEND RADIO Time- and frequency scedule B-06:
MW 1602 kHz: fr. 22- sa 22 UTC 48 mb: Fr-Sa. 22-17 UTC 6170 kHz Sa.17-19 UTC 5980 kHz Sa.19-22 UTC 6170 kHz 25 mb: Fr. 22-23 UTC 11720 kHz Fr-Sa.23-08 UTC 11690 kHz Sa.08-14 UTC 11720 kHz Sa.14-17 UTC 11690 kHz Sa 17-19 UTC 11720 kHz Sa 19-22 UTC 11690 kHz