
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Blog Logs

The following represent what shortwave DXers are hearing on the bands. Contributions are a sample from the latest Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts newsletter. Thanks to the fine folks at MARE! We begin this edition with RAE-Argentina
Gayle VH

ARGENTINA: 11711 Radio al Exterior; 0220 SIO-343, classical music byKachaturian played by Buenos Aires orchestra, news items about Argen-tinian military attaches & participation in Cyprus and Haiti peace-keeping. (Racenis 13-JAN)
15400 BBCWS; 1042 SIO-242, Images & Culture of Japan interviews withJapanese performers, new 16 skyscraper development in BrooklynNY. (Racenis 14-JAN)

CANADA: 6160 CKZN St. Johns NL; 2112 SIO-222, maritime weather reportfor Gulf of St. Lawrence. (Racenis 12-JAN)

ECUADOR:3279 LV Del Napa (Tena): 0347-0352, 1-20; SS Ballads. Fair (Wood, TN)3279.7 La Voz del Napo(p); 0405 SIO-222. (Racenis 14-JAN)

4779.9 Radio Cultural Coatan; 1226 SIO-333, Buenas Dias pop jingleby woman, man talking in SP @1229, mentions of Barreros, timecheck @1230, ID @1231, RTTY QRM on LSB. (Racenis 14-JAN)

ISRAEL:6985 Kol Israel; 2036-2046+, 25-Jan; News in FF to ID/pips @2045, thennews in HB. SIO=453 (Frodge-MI))7545 Kol Israel; 2055, 25-Jan; M in HB & HB pop music //6985. SIO=534w/squeak QRM. (Frodge-MI)

LATVIA: 9290 Latvia Today Relay via Ulbroka; 1338-1400* SIO-232, W inEG with Latvia Today program about Latvian folk music, playing songs& discussing key elements, gave address & e-mail (Racenis 14-JAN)

NEW ZEALAND: 17675 RNZI; 2009 SIO-311, news, then Dateline Pacificwith reaction from Fiji government about controversial inaugurationafter military coup. (Racenis 12-JAN)NORTH

KOREA: 9335 Voice of Korea; 1330 SIO-322, military march fol-lowed by man babbling in EG about victory & great leader Kim Jong Il.(Racenis 14-JAN)

OMAN: 15140 Radio Oman; 1410 SIO-222, Michael Jackson pop song, womantalking in EG, chimes @1430, ID & local time check of 6:30. (JAN)

RUSSIA:6240 Voice of Russia (Armavir): 0329-0339, 1/20. YL/OM in English withnews followed by programs Stroll

3345 Channel Africa (Meyerton): 0419, 1-20; Afropop music & YL ancrin English. Fair (Wood, TN)3345 Channel Africa; 0341 SIO-433, African folk song, then interviewwith Natal musician,

THAILAND: 9535 Radio Thailand; 2040 SIO-333, man talking in EG aboutHis Majesty the King of Thailand, abrupt off @2044, back on @2045 inlang with frequency anmt. (Racenis 12-JAN)

UKRAINE: 5820 Radio Ukraine Int’l; 0107 SIO-433, Ukrainian

ZAMBIA: 4965 The Voice; 2240-2250+, 23-Jan; End rlgs advice pgm; IDpromos @2241 & 2248; pop-style music. All n EE. SIO=322, LSB helpsw/swiper, covered by clatter burst @2242. (Frodge-MI)

ZIMBABWE: 3396 Zimbabwe BC; 0350 SIO-222, M&W talking in lang, choralanthem @0355, woman with anmts @0400, ID. (Racenis 14-JAN)

(Source: MARE Tip Sheet # 436)