
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Radio Netherlands program preview Jan 27 - Feb. 2

Welcome to our weekly guide to Radio Netherlands' English Service - a list of the new programmes coming up on Radio Netherlands this week, beginning on Saturday.


*** Weekend Connection *** Every Saturday, the Newsline team brings you Weekend Connection, with thought-provoking reports on the issues making headlines in the Netherlands, Europe and beyond. It's a lively mix of local colour and "the big picture". One week you might hear how Dutch farmers are doing their part to combat bird flu, the next week it's about the worldwide attempt to punish crimes against humanity. Big or small, Weekend Connection covers it all! Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1200 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0500 (Western N America) *** Vox Humana *** "Kala Ramnath: The Singing Violin" As part of our special week focusing on India, Vox Humana profiles one of the country's most talented musicians. Thirty-nine year old violinist Kala Ramnath is a celebrity in North Indian raga music. She hails from a family that has specialised in music for many generations. Kala combines brilliant technique with a deep emotional quality and is widely acclaimed for her 'vocal style' of violin playing. Hence her nickname: "the singing violin." Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1027 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1227 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1827 & 2000 (Africa), 0027 (Eastern N America), 0127 (Central N America), 0527 (Western N America)Repeated: Sun 1400 (South Asia), Sun 1900 (N America, Africa)


*** Amsterdam Forum *** In a live debate from New Delhi, Amsterdam Forum asks if India has what it takes to be the next superpower? India is now the world's largest democracy and its second most populous country. It also has one of the world's fastest growing economies. But in these heady times it's easy to forget that behind the successes, there's still a huge gap between the rich and the poor. Can a superpower be built on such foundations? Have your say on the topic at Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1004 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1204 (Eastern N America), 1504 (South Asia), 1804 & 2004 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0500 (Western N America) *** Echoes *** Our new listener feedback programme. Mindy Ran responds to your comments, queries and complaints about our programmes. And featuring every week A Critical Eye - commentary from Perro de Jong. Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1004 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1204 (Eastern N America), 1504 (South Asia), 1804 & 2004 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0500 (Western N America)


*** Newsline *** The latest world news and current affairs. Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1200 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America) *** The Research File *** Do you know what makes the difference between male and female? In the natural world, such matters are not always entirely straightforward. And the discovery of a new type of female has got insect experts busy, with possible economic benefits for the biological control of pests. Meanwhile, shaggy Scottish sheep have been revealing the biological basis for the annual cycles of the body clock. And a new sound-guided method for positioning anaesthetic syringes could make epidural injections both simpler and safer. Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1027 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1227 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1827 & 2000 (Africa), 0027 (Eastern N America), 0127 (Central N America), 0527 (Western N America)Repeated: Thurs 1500 (South Asia), Thurs 1900 (Africa)


*** Newsline *** The latest world news and current affairs. Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1200 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0500 (Western N America) *** EuroQuest *** "Best of the Quest" Jonathon Groubert selects his highlights from 11 years of Euroquest. Jonathan will be returning in May at the helm of a new Radio Netherlands programme. Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1027 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1227 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1827 & 2000 (Africa), 0027 (Eastern N America), 0127 (Central N America), 0527 (Western N America)Repeated: Mon 1500 (South Asia), Mon 1900 (Africa)


*** Newsline *** The latest world news and current affairs. Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1200 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0500 (Western N America) *** The Weekly Documentary *** "Driving out the Filth in Zimbabwe" In May 2005, the Zimbabwean government launched Operation Murambatsvina, which means "drive out the filth". Officially it was designed to eliminate crime, clean up the streets and regularise the informal sector, the backbone of the country's collapsing economy. In actual fact though, the operation destroyed the livelihoods of nearly 2½ million Zimbabweans. It also left 700,000 people homeless. Over a year and a half later, the evictions are continuing, and despite government pledges, almost no new dwellings have been built. In "Driving out the Filth in Zimbabwe", Eric Beauchemin looks at Operation Murambatsvina and its consequences. Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1027 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1227 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1827 & 2000 (Africa), 0027 (Eastern N America), 0127 (Central N America), 0527 (Western N America)Repeated: Fri 1500 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1900 (Africa), Sun 14:30 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), Sun 1930 (Africa, N America)


*** Newsline *** The latest world news and current affairs. Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1200 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America) *** Dutch Horizons *** In Dutch Horizons this week you'll hear about a small city car that gives disabled people mobility, we visit an art school that helps mentally disabled people develop and stimulate their creativity, and we spend a day with a music therapist who helps autistic children communicate. The sessions take place not at a clinic, but at the children's homes. Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1027 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1227 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1827 & 2000 (Africa), 0027 (Eastern N America), 0127 (Central N America), 0527 (Western N America)Repeated: Wed 1500 (South Asia), Wed 1900 (Africa)


*** Newsline *** The latest world news and current affairs. Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1200 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America) *** Network Europe *** Take a dash of entertainment, add a measure of information. Swirl in a hint of irreverence and mix well for a thoroughly European flavour. An enticing cocktail that offers more than a taste of events on the continent this week. We call it Network Europe: served up every Tuesday and Friday by a partnership of Europe's leading broadcasters. Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1027 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1227 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1827 & 2000 (Africa), 0027 (Eastern N America), 0127 (Central N America), 0527 (Western N America)Repeated: Tues 1500 (South Asia), Tues 1900 (Africa)

(R Netherlands)