
Friday, January 05, 2007

Scandinavian Weekend Radio set for 24 hour broadcast

Dear listeners,
First private Scandinavian and now THE ONLY ACTIVE ONE SW-station from Finland starts it's 24 hours transmission today 5th of January 2007 at 22 hours UTC. Here are our programe and frequency schedules:
e-mails to: info(@) and letters (with 2 IRC/2 Euro/2 US$) to:
P.O.Box 99
Please tune in!
Alpo Heinonen
Scandinavian Weekend Radio
Programe Scdedule (times local Finnis time UTC+2h):
00-02 TrickyTrevs Rock Hours a mixture of some classic rock music.
02-04 SWR crew - open studio
04-06 It's going cracy. Hot music by Madman
06-07 Juice Leskinen trilogia, osa 1. Madman
07-08 Juice Leskinen trilogia, osa 2. Madman
08-09 Juice Leskinen trilogia, osa 3. Madman
09-10 Kantoaaltoa Suomirokilla höystettynä by Esa
10-11 SWR crew - open studio
11-12 Radio news by Rick Random
12-13 SWR crew - open studio
13-14 World Radio Roulette by Madman
14-16 TrickyTrev revisits the 60's once again to replay some of those
great hits.(not to be missed)
16-17 Progressive rock and other strange things by Esa
17-18 SWR crew - open studio
18-20 Getting in the groove Saturday night Party time with TrickyTrev.
20-21 SWR crew - open studio
21-22 Saunan lämmitys - Warming up the Sauna by SWR crew
22-23 SWR crew - open studio
23-24 Closing seremony by SWR crew

Time- and frequency scedule B-06:
MW 1602 kHz:
fr. 22- sa 22 UTC
48 mb:
Fr-Sa. 22-17 UTC 6170 kHz
Sa.17-19 UTC 5980 kHz
Sa.19-22 UTC 6170 kHz
25 mb:
Fr. 22-23 UTC 11720 kHz
Fr-Sa.23-08 UTC 11690 kHz
Sa.08-14 UTC 11720 kHz
Sa.14-17 UTC 11690 kHz
Sa 17-19 UTC 11720 kHz
Sa 19-22 UTC 11690 kHz
(Source: Alpo Heinonen, Scandinavian Weekend Radio/HCDX)