
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Afghanistan's Radio Sohl heard on 9345 kHz USB

Radio Sohl, Bagram Air Base, noted on 9345 USB at 1319 UT onDecember 30th with a fine signal.(Thomas Lindenthal-D, dswci DXW Feb 2)

Radio Peace/Radio Solh broadcasts on new 6700 first heard January 9th at1550. The reception is rather weak. On January 20th at 1440 I noted them again on 6700 with non-stop Afghan music. While scanning upwards there wasanother station on 6800 with Afghan music too, but not in parallel. 6800was stronger and peaked to good level after 1500. Sudden decrease insignal at 1525. Thanks to Mauno Ritola and various websites

I have found that, there have been, or still are, at least three transmitter sites forU.S. Psyops Radio Peace on shortwave, lately in the 9300 region. These are Bagram, Kandahar and Orgun.(Jari Savolainen, Finland, Cumbre DX)Radio Solh heard in Greece on 6700 January 22nd, poor strength.(Zacharias Liangas-GRC, wwdxc BC-DX Jan 30)
(Source: WWDXC Top News BC-DX # 793)