
Monday, February 12, 2007

Dutch broadcaster VPRO celebrates a century of radio broadcasting

100 years ago, the first radio transmission from a ship took place, 85 years ago the car radio was invented, and 60 years ago the transistor radio. Dutch public broadcaster VPRO is marking 100 years of radio this week on the digital TV channel ‘Geschiedenis’ (History) which is one of the recently-launched thematic channels only available on digital cable and the Internet.
Special programmes to be broadcast this week include the 1974 documentary ”Zenders in woelig water’ (Broadcasters in Turbulent Waters), a programme about secret transmitters in the Netherlands, and another about British pirates. There are also reports on such stations as Radio Free Palestine, Radio Free Europe, and the Iraqi station Radio Dilja. And, of course, stations such as Radio Veronica and Radio Noordzee Internationaal will be featured. You can see some of the items on this page (descriptions in Dutch), and there are also more audio recordings here.
(Source: Radio.Netherlands/Media Network Media Weblog)