
Thursday, March 15, 2007

3B6, AGALEGA DXpedition Update

Members of Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow (PZK) (the Polish Amateur Radio Union) and SP-DX-Club are organizing a DXpedition to the Island of Agalega.
Team leader Witek, SP9MRO, informs OPDX that the group has received their license and will be active from March 22nd to April 2nd. The callsigns to be use are 3B6/SP9MRO and 3B6/SP9PT. A copy of their license can be viewed on their Web page at: Team members mentioned are:
Witek/SP9MRO (co-leader), Wojtek/SP9PT (co-leader), Marek/SP9BQJ, Bogdan/SP3IQ, Danuta/SP9SX (YL), Jozek/SP9-31029, Wojciech/SP5BFX and his XYL wife Basia (who’s responsible for logistics and PR).

They are planning to be active on all bands from 160-10 meters, on the modes CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. They will not be active for 6m according to the change of Mauritius’s rules. At the moment, they are collecting funds for the trip’s realization. Witek states (edited), “The Dxpedition cost is huge! We are going to travel for nearly 1200 km on the Indian Ocean and live on the island which is practically isolated from all the other people except the local community. There are no planes landing. But as we have heard from our HB9 friends, there are nearly 200 extremely kind people who live there and are very friendly towards hams. We are encouraging all of you who would like to help us to do so. All the information needed can be found at our webpage.” Earlier reports indicate that activity is also possible from Seychelles (S7), Mauritius (3B8) and /MM operations from the Indian Ocean. Remember the team is looking for sponsors to help off-set the huge expenses of this DXpedition.
(Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #795)
(Source: Ham Radio Corner via David Ross, ODXA )