
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Blog Log - Greece

GREECE 5865 Voice of Greece, via SVO, Olympia Radio, at 0150 UT on Mar 18. Folk songs at tune-in. Announcements at 0157 UT. Vocal selection at 0158 but very low audio. Short announcement by YL at 0300:30 followed by several orchestral selections. Signal had fading and coupled with generally high band noise made understanding studio audio impossible although signal made S6 on peaks. (J. Strawman-IA-USA, DXplorer Mar 18)

Olympia Radio Pyrgos relay. Permit me to make a small addition to our ERA- 5 program timetable. At the moment we broadcast ERA-5 program for a short trial period on the following frequencies:
11645 kHz from 0700-1000 UTC
15630 kHz from 1100-1545 and ADDITIONALLY from 2030-2200 UTC
5865 kHz from 2200-0600

We would appreciate if you took the time to listen to 15630 sometime
between 2030 and 2200 UTC too.

5865 Olympia Radio relay of ERA-5 V. of Greece (must be Greece QSL day today!) e-mail QSL rcvd in 16 days for a 2/19 reception in So. CA. Said postal QSL enroute. Signer was Yorgos (George) Stavropoulos, Telecommunications Engineer , Head of HF Stations Section, (Olympia Radio Coastal Station). Because of the data he included and the request for additional reports, I am citing the letter here (note time sensitivity for AM broadcasts - not sure what happens when those are completed.USB?...termination?). Note also the location (near Pyrgos) and even more addresses and e-mails.this address looks like the one to use for technical reports of interest to the station. (B.Churchill-CA-USA, DXplorer Mar 15)

5865 ERA-5 Breaks occurred again during talks when voice peaks, and tx peak control adjusts audio down. But no carrier break. (wb, Mar 16/17)
(Source: WWDXC Top News (BC-DX 799 via Wolfgang Bueschel)