
Friday, March 30, 2007

Blog Logs - China DXpedition part 2

Special thanks to Ron Howard, for sending in more loggings from his China vacation. Now thats the way to DX!
Gayle VH
All times UTC
AUSTRALIA. CVC, 15335, 0833-0859*, March 27, OM DJ with "The Edge", a program of pop/rock songs, gives address (The Edge, P.O. Box 6361, Maroochydore, BC, Queensland), audio streaming at CVC.TV, mostly good, off in mid-song. (Howard, China)

CHINA. CRI, 87.9 FM, 1333-1400, March 26, noted while scanning FM, OM DJ in English and Chinese, with many English pop songs, IDs "87.9 FM, Easy FM" & "CRI". (Howard, China)

CLANDESTINE. 9485, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via Taiwan, *1300-1325, March 26, piano IS, OM with list of abductees names (believe in Korean), started out stronger than the Yamata broadcast but faded out and lost by 1325, assume they signed-off at BoH. No sign of any jamming. This is their new frequency (ex: 9950). (Howard, China)

INDIA. 15020, AIR GOS, 1055-1100*, March 27, news in English, ID: AIR GOS, schedule given for their next broadcasts, fair. (Howard, China)

RUSSIA. 7200, R. Rossii, 2010-2025, March 25, Russian programming (songs, phone numbers given, talking, etc.). Heard with good audio (no warble at all), so assume this is a different site at this time, fair-good. March 27, 1002-1011, R. Rossii via Yakutsk/Tulagino, poor to fair reception with poor audio (warble), similar to reception back in Calif. (Howard, China)
(Ron Howard)