
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Blog Logs - MARE

That wild and crazy bunch from Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts has been at it again at their receivers, so today's samples are via the latest newsletter.
Special thanks to Joe Wood for his kind words about this blog in the newsletter. It is appreciated, and hope it brings in about a "bizillion" new MARE members! Best of DX to Joe and MARE members.
Gayle Van Horn

AUSTRALIA: 9580 Radio Australia, 1240, program about crime problems by Muslims youth gangs in Australia, //9590. (Racenis 18-MAR)

9625 CBC Northern Quebec Service; 1249 in English. (Racenis 18-MAR)
9650 Radio Korea Int'l, 1254, Korean music. (Racenis 18-MAR)

COSTA RICA: 6125 Radio Exterior de Espana; 0156-0205+, 19-Mar; Lite music to ID @0200 then M&W in Spanish w/news. SIO=433. Uruguay will have to wait. (Frodge-MI)

FRENCH GUIANA: 9750 BBC WS relay, 1245, Newshour program with item about how the stunts in James Bond movies stretch the laws of physics //9660-USA. (Racenis 18-MAR)

GERMANY: 15680 Christian Voice Communications relay by Wertachtal 3/15, 1500-1530. Lite religious programming with talk by a woman and man, several songs, discussion of the HIV problem in India, station ID. Clear signal for 15 minutes, then lots of QRM later. E-mail request for a verification, resulted in two responses within 24 hours, from "Rick" at CVC who promised a QSL was being placed in the mail while Deutsche Telekom's Walter Borodowsky sent an e-mail verification. (Miller)

INDIA: 10330 All India Radio (tentative); 1703, 22-Mar; M in LL w/sub-cont'l tunes. SIO=2+53 (Frodge-MI)

ISRAEL: 6973.26 Galei Zahal (p); 2346-2353+, 23-Mar; M in Hebrew w/lite pop mx & phone calls. Not heard for copule of weeks. SIO=353 (Frodge-MI)

UTILITIES: 2598/U St John's Coast Guard Radio with marine weather info for St Lawrence Seaway, etc. 0810-0819 in EE, then into French, with more weather. "BREAK" @0833 & apparently off. weak but clear, 0801-0833 4/Mar--Zichi DXp
8879/U Gander Radio ATC; 1918, 19-Mar; wkg Speedbird & Air France. (Frodge-MI)
13264/U Shannon Volmet, Ireland; 1708, 18-Mar; Euro aviation wx; ID repeated @1710. (Frodge-MI)
13306/U New York Radio ATC wkg a/c; 1707, 18-Mar (Frodge-MI)
14170/U VE6POL Mundare AB; 1722, 22-Mar; 90 w. wkg Toulon, France ARO (Frodge-MI)
14215/U OZ2PBS Denmark; 1726, 22-Mar; wkg N8FXH Bridgeport WV, not hrd (Frodge-MI)

PIRATES: Crystal Ship; 6875, 2321-0005*, 3-19/20. Music & audio clips from old movies & TV shows. Mx included; Jenny, Heavy Metal, Tracks of my Tears and two versions of Fade to Black. Several IDs mentioning the Blue States. Postal addy given as POB 1, Belfast NY 14711 USA. Sig ranged from fair to very good with fades. (Wood, TN)
MAC Shortwave: 3275.9/AM Music & ID program including Red Baron, Rockabilly stuff, Happy Organ & Chug a Lug etc. SIO 454 0348-0417 4/Mar--Zichi DXp)
WDDR: 6925/u Music Head Like a Hole & ID @2342 fair 2330-2345 3/Mar-- Zichi DXp)
(Source: MARE # 444 via Harold Frodge, MI)