
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Blog Logs - PERU

All times UTC
3329.72, Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco, 0930-1105, Feb 24 and Mar 03, traditional lively Huayno songs, yipping and IDs, long adv block. 3329.65 on Feb 25, 3329.61 on Mar 03]. Decent signal but CHU QRM. (Valko and Wilkner/DX Window # 319)
3329.61 Ondas del Huallaga 1050 Nice lively Huayno song, then woman anncr w/canned promo, next song starting out w/owl and cricket SFX and M w/voice-over anmnts w/ID and ment of noche and "mas musica", and continued song. 1058 canned ID/promo and ad long ad block going past 1105. Decent signal but CHU QRM of course. (D. Valko, Cumbre DX)

3375, R San Antonio, Padua de Cállalli, 2326-2334, Feb 17, Spanish sermon, 33342, Utility QRM. (Gonçalves//DX Window # 319)

4746.8 R. Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2344-2354, 17 Feb, Spanish, advertisemtents, Indian music; 54343, CODAR QRM. (Goncalves, POR)

4485.96, R Frecuencia VH, Celendin, Cajamarca, 1037 Feb 25, phonenumber "nueve - siete -cinco-seise - cinco", music, excellent signal. (Wilkner). Also heard 0016-0025, Feb 25, música de flautas, audible in LSB, 14321. (Méndez/Cumbre DX)

4775 R. Tarma, Tarma, 2342-2352, 17 Feb, Spanish, detailed & lengthy adv. for a women's perfume like on 13 Jan (!); 54343. (Goncalves, POR)

4790.15, R Visión, Chiclayo, 0440-0820, Feb 25, 26 and Mar 04, Spanish religious talks, ID: "Usted está escuchando el programa La Voz de la Salvación, desde la ciudad de Chiclayo, Perú, Iglesia Pentecostal La Cosecha, Radio Visión". At 0800 ID: "Radio Visión, Chiclayo, para todo el Perú", nice Andean songs, 35333. (Bernardini, Cody and Méndez/DX Window # 319)

4824.4 LV de la Selva, Iquitos, 0949-f/out 1130 (!), 17 Feb, Spanish, advertisements, songs; 14441, but noted better at 1030! (Goncalves, POR)

4824.5 La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, 0415, 2/28/07. Extremely weak. Some SS talk making it through the CODAR and other noise. (Dexter-WI/NASWA Flashsheet # 266 via Rich D'Angelo, PA )

4857.39 R. La Hora, 1045, 2/28/07. Up slightly in freq with huaynos, into ad string, ID/TC by man anncr in Spanish. Fair. (Herkimer, NY/NASWA Flashsheet # 266 via Rich D'Angelo, PA)

4974.8, R del Pacifico, Lima, 0603-0729, Feb 25 and Mar 02, religious talks, 25322 - 14221. (Cody and Méndez/dX Windoe # 319)

5039.9, R Libertad (t), Junín, 2316-2323, Feb 19, Spanish talks, 14331. (Gonçalves)

4955, R Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2312-0020, Feb 19 and 20 Quechoa talks, nice Andean flute music and huaynos, 35332. (Cody, Gonçalves and Méndez/DX Window # 319)

5120.5 R. Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, 2243-2255, 17 Feb, Quechua, talks; 34343. (Goncalves, POR)

5223.6, R La Voz del Anta, Acobamba, 2320-2332, 19 Feb, Spanish TCs, Indian tunes, IDs, 25332. (Gonçalves/DX Window # 319)

5486.7, La Reyna de la Selva, Chachapoyas, 2326-2337, Feb 19, Spanish, speedy Indian rhythms, 15331. (Gonçalves/DX Window # 319)

5939.3, R Melodia, Arequipa, 1101-1110, Feb 23, Spanish comments from a number of people, poor signal. (Bolland). Also tentatively heard 0020-0030, Feb 25, Spanish talk at treshold level, QRM from 5935, 13121. (Petersen/DX Window # 319)

6536.0, R Comercial Huancabamba, Huancabamba, 2350-0010, Feb 24, Spanish talk, best in LSB 14321. (Méndez/DX Window # 319)

6019.6 R. Vitoria, Lima, 0851-0900, 09 Feb,Portuguese, shouting preacher; 34432, blocked by DRM signal at 0900. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 21)

(Source: WWDXC Top News (BC DX #796 via Wolfgang Bueschel, NASWA Flashsheet, Cumbre DX/DX Window # 319)