
Friday, March 02, 2007

Blog Logs

Today's shortwave BLOG LOGS, represent those recently cut from my MT SWBC Logs column, due to space constraints. Contributions are always welcome for the magazine or blog, and may be directed to me at gaylevanhorn @ Thanks very much to all the contributors for your kind words and support.
Gayle VH

Freqs in kHz, all times UTC, freqs in kilohertz, English unless otherwise stated // parallel frequencies. * sign-on - Sign-off *

3234.78 Peru, R. Luz y Sonido 1030-1040. Spanish comments to ID and local time check. Poor signal. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

3396 Zimbabwe, R. Zimbabwe 0357. Several verses of anthem by mixed choral followed by pop music. Noisy signal w/ interferences. (J Strawman, IA/Cumbre DX)

4052.46 Guatemala, R. Verdad 0132-0145. Spanish comments to religious music, text and station ID. (Bolland. FL)

4716.75 Bolivia, R, Yura 0942-0955. Very good signal for mornign Bolivian music. (Bolland, FL)

4746.79 Peru, R. Huanta Dos Mil 1052-1110. Canned Spanish station promos to typical Peruvian music. Fair-poor signal. Station previously noted on 4746 kHz. (Bolland, FL)

4755 Peru, R. Huanta Dos Mil 1949-1100. Spanish text sounding like a religious sermon format. (Bolland, FL)

4774.93 Peru, R. Tarma 1102-1115. Canned ID as "Radio Tarma", followed by music and promos. (Bolland, FL)

4777 Gabon, R. Gabon 0530-0542+. French service with music, chat and "Radio Gabon" ID. (H Frodge, MI)

4796.48 Bolivia, R. Mallku 0945-0955. Spanish comments between music items w/ fair signal. (Bolland, FL)

4835 Peru, R. Maranon 1108-1115. Spanish newscast w/ mentions of "Lima" in text. Local time checks, ads and station promo. (Bolland, FL)

4865 Brazil, R. Missoes da Amazonas 1014-1101. Portuguese religious program to 1031. Station ID w/ fair signal quality and no sign of R. Logos. (Bolland, FL)

4890 Peru, R. Chota 1115-1130. Spanish comments between music selections. (Bolland, FL)

4989.98 Suriname, R. Apintie 0950-1000. Woman's Dutch text and commericals during fair signal quality. (Bolland, FL)

5014.35 Peru, R. Aultura (Tent) 1012-1035. Mostly just Spanish text and comments, but never did hear a station ID. (Bolland, FL)

5460. 20, Peru, La Voz de Bolivar (Tent.) 1100-1115. Local Peruvian music. EiBi database notes this station as "Radio Emisora Bolivia", while Passport 2007 identifies as above. (Bolland, FL)

5486.64 Peru, La Reina de la Selva 1115-1120. Weak signal w/ Peruvian huyanos music to Spanish comments. (Bolland, FL)

5960 Russia, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean 0935-1000. Opening station ID to Russian newscast. Signal barely audible by recheck. (Bolland, FL)

5967 Bolivia, R. Nacional de Huanuni (Tent.) 0957-1005. Signal carrier to a threshold signal of flute music to 1000. (Bolland. FL)

6049 Malaysia, RTM Sibu (Tent.) 1010-1020. Program comments in unknown language to music program w/ poor signal. (Bolland, FL)

6075 Russia, R. Rossii 1020-1035. Russian comments to 1031. Relayed via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka as earlier reported, (Bolland, FL)

6079.96 Bolivia, R. San Gabriel 1005-1030. Spanish comments to Peruvian music program to canned station Ids amid poor signal quality. (Bolland, FL)

6105 Bolivia, R. Panamericana 1050-1100. Spanish teext at tune-in to 1100 when R. Netherlands sign-on blocking signal. (Bolland, FL)

6165 China, CNR6 (Tent.) 1000-1045. Sign on at 1000 w/ fanfare music theme. Poor signl mixing w/additional Chinese station. (Bolland, FL)

6300 Cuba, R. Havana 0536. Arnie Coro program // 5700 weak, // 6000. (H Frodge, MI)

7110 Russia, FEBA via Novosibirsk 0058. Hindi service to south Asia w/ tabla music. (J Strawman, IA/Cumbre DX)

7200 Morocco, VOA relay 0003. Station ID as "VOA World News Now." English news to the Middle East. (J Strawman, IA/Cumbred DX)

7230 Burkina Faso, R. Burkina 0841. Lively Afro pops to French announcements. Public-service announcement format and mentions of "Ouagadougou." (A Quagliera, NY/Cumbred DX)

7230 Slovakia, R. Slovakia 0007. Lady announcer w/ English service newscast. J Strawman, IA/Cumbre DX)

7285 China, China R. Int'l 285, 2011. Global warming rhetoric to CRI News & Reports program. (H Frodge, MI)

9700 Bulgaria, R. Bulgaria 0010. News items to ID and parliament update // 7400. (S. MacKenzie, CA)

9795 Singapore, R. Netherlands relay 1115-1140. Indonesian text to canned station ID during poor signal quality. (Bolland, FL)

11620 India, All India Radio 2101-2112. Newscast to ID at 2105 into World Eco Forum. Program notes to lite music and cosmmentary. SIO 353 // 11715 SIO 122. (H Frodge, MI)

11655 Thailand, VOA relay 2348. Vocal music tunes to Speical English text and ID. // 7205, 13640 and 15150. (S MacKenzie, CA)

13650 Japan, NHK/R Japan 0000. News items w/ QRM via Voice of Korea station // 17810. (S McKenzie, CA)

15290 Philippines, VOA relay 2303. Four male's trade news topics on Hamas group ands war in Iraq.

17675 New Zealand, R NZ Int'l 2249. Male's conversations w/ QRM via CVC Chile // 15720. (S MacKenzie, CA)

17785 Australia, R Australia 2245. Two announcers talk on Taliban. ID at 2246 followed Dow Jones report // 15515. S. MacKenzie, CA)