
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Blog Logs - Australia

VL8A, Alice Springs NT 2310 2118-2130*, 28 Mar, English, phone-ins, talks, abrupt s/off; 45342; \\ 2325, 2485, which was performing real badly. 4835 /2130-2155, 28 Mar, English, TS, ABC newscast + weather info. till 2140, music, talks; 54343 but vy. poor by 2200; avoidable het. w/ MLI 4835.4.

VL8T Tennant Creek NT 2325 2120-2130*, 28 Mar, cf. 2310 kHz, abrupt s/off; 35331. \\ 2310, 2485 kHz. 4910 2132-2140, 28 Mar, cf. 4835; 43342, QRM de IND w/ extended schedule; \\ 4835 & 5025 (the worst VL8 stns performer, with QRM de BEN).

VL8K Katherine NT 5025 2139-2153, 31 Mar, English, end of ABC newscast, weather report, Aus. country tune, phone-ins as usual; 33341, QRM de BEN, but could be worse if not via my new 46 m E/W inv. V; \\ 4835, 4910. 6020

R. Australia, Shepperton VIC, 0918-1110, 29 Mar, Pidgin to PNG, talks pops, news, etc., then English at 1100, newscast; 55444. 9710 R. Australia, Shepperton VIC, 0906-1005, 31 Mar, Pidgin to PNG, songs, news, radioplay, talks; 53433, adj. QRM; \\ 6020, 12080.
(all Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Apr 3)
(Source: WWDXC Top News-BC-DX #802)