
Monday, April 02, 2007

Blog Logs - China DXpedition part 3

Thanks to regular contributor, Ron Howard, for sending in his latest loggings while vacationing in Shanghai, China. Have you been on a DXpedition lately, or have one planned ? Loggings or those observed away from your regular listening post are always welcome at:
gaylevanhorn @ Share what you're hearing with the word blog readers!

CHINA. 6115, Voice of Strait (presumed), 0900-0944, April 2, Chinese programming, OM interviewed by YL, fair, assume this must have been either Channel 1 or 2 programming; clearly // 7280 (fair-poor) & 11590 (poor-very poor). Checked 6115 & 7280 around 0830 and they were not parallel. Interesting to find a time that all three separate channels are carrying the same programming (Channel 1 - News & Public Affairs, 11590, Channel 2 - Lifestyle, 7280 and Channel 3 - Fujianese, 6115). (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China)

CLANDESTINE (No. Korea). 6045, Shiokaze One via Yamata, April 1. Tuned in at 2021 to hear a good signal of pulsating noise/jamming. Strong Yamata carrier on at 2029, well above the jamming. 2030 usual piano IS and introduction by YL (believe in Japanese). Shiokaze One always seems to be presented by a YL and Shiokaze Two by a OM. From 2030-2045 the jamming was faint and was not a factor in hearing the YL. From 2045-2052 the jamming was almost moderate at times but still not too bad. After 2052 could not make out the jamming (off?). 2056 sign-off announcement and off at 2100. At 2058 there was moderate QRM from the sign-on of a strong CNR-2/China Business Radio on 6040. Overall I would rate the jamming as ineffective and that the majority of the programming could easily be heard without any real problem. (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China)

PHILIPPINES. 15325, FEBC, *0950-1029*, April 2, on with IS & English IDs ("This is FEBC Radio, broadcasting from Manila, Philippines"), top of the hour Haven Today with Charles Morris, religious program in English ("God Pitches His Tent") and songs, gives website -- --, off with a few notes of their IS, fair. (Ron Howard, Shanghai, China)