
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

China pledges to repair Guinean radio station damaged in plane crash

Excerpt from report by Balde Abdallah entitled “Politics: The National Assembly to the rescue” published by Guinean newspaper Guinéenews website on 17 April
At its plenary session of today which was meant to renew its office, the National Assembly decided to send a strong delegation to Guinean Television and Radio at Koloma [suburb of capital] which was struck yesterday Monday [16 April] by an accident of a jet plane belonging to the national army
The delegation led by Speaker of parliament, Elhadj Aboubacar Sompare, went to the place to inspect the damage done to the building where the ruins of the plane are still visible like a carnage which that it caused to the building.
Better still the National Assembly in its solidarity move gave a sum of 5m Guinean francs [approximately 1,4m dollars] to help in its repairs. It praised and commended the Republic of China through its envoy which pledged to make good the damage.
At Koloma, the head of the Guinean lawmaking body met the minister of defence, Gen Ousmane Arafan Camara, and his chief of defence staff, Gen Kerfalla Camara who were there certainly to assess the progress of work on the clearing and collection of the rest of their MIG.
The solid building, strongly affected in its upper part does not pose any danger to the users, the technical installations that are visibly protected, were not affected in the main, hence a big sight of relief for the Guinean deputies surprised at such a catastrophe on this national jewel. [Passage omitted].
(Source: Guinéenews website in French 17 Apr 07 via BBC Monitoring/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)