
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Clandestine station RASD monitoring

The following are monitoring observations of clandestine station Radio Nacional de la RepublicaArabe Saharaui Democratica / R.A.S.D. The station is relayed via Rabuni-Tindouf, Algeria.
Gayle VH

ALGERIA RASD Polisario station for Western Sahara, jumps around. Moved to 6458, then occurred on 6485 or 6480 variable.
RASD now Jan 18th at 1940 UT on 6485.89 kHz. Speech to crowd in mixed Saharian? Arabic? and some Spanish words. About President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran.
(later) But RASD noted playing usual Saharan guitar music and ID by female around 2140 UT on 6485.15 kHz Jan 19. Not 6458 !

Signal strength lower than former 7425 / 7460; S=7 on AOR 7030 / E1 Radio, on Sony ICF 2010 3-4 diodes luminous. (wb, WWDXC BC-DX Jan 18/19)

But RASD noted playing usual Saharan guitar music and ID by female around 2140 UT on 6485.15 kHz Jan 19. Not 6458! Signal strength lower than former 7425 / 7460; S=7 on AOR 7030 / E1 Radio, on Sony ICF 2010 3-4 diodes luminous. (wb, WWDXC BC-DX Jan 20)

6480 Radio Nacional Saharaui. Saludos cordiales. 1855-1900 UT, escuchada el 23 de Enero en idioma arabe a locutor con comentarios en programa de musica pop, despedida "..Salam alecum..", ligeramente interferida por estacion utilitaria de fondo, locutora con cuna de identificacion "Idahat arabia Democratia", comentarios y musica folklorica local, referencias al
Sahara, SINPO 34443 (Jose Miguel Romero-ESP, HCDX Jan 23)

6480 Radio Nacional Saharaui. Unstable - Inestable Jose, RASD is wandering during 2025-2035 UT time span about 60 kHz up, from 6478.71 to 6478.77 kHz. S=1-2 and hit by maritime QRM like RTTY and others. 6481.06 kHz at 22.40 UT. (wb, HCDX Jan 23)

On 6479.58 kHz at 2125 UT with poor signal. (Alexander Koutamanis-HOL, HCDX Jan 23)
RASD today rather stable on 6480.27 kHz. And signal propagation seems not bad, a strong S=8 signal noted here tonight Jan 24 at 2125 UT. And on Jan 27th on exact 6300.00, S=6 signal strength in peaks. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX Jan 24/27)
(Source: WWDXC -Top News BCDX)