
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Malaysia radio & TV stations plan National News Agency by 2012

The Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama) will move into broadcasting when it has its own radio and television stations by 2012 besides continuing its traditional role to channel news to the print and electronic media as well as non-media clients. Deputy Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the Ministry had accepted Bernama’s request to operate its own news television station. “When television stations go fully digital in 2012, I think Bernama has a bright prospect to have its own television station,” he told reporters at a parliamentary lobby today.

To begin with, Bernama has been given one of RTM’s radio frequencies to operate “News Radio” expected to be operational in August, he said.

Asked whether Bernama can attain the standard of international news television stations in the likes of CNN, the BBC and Al Jazeera, Zahid said he was confident Bernama can pass muster as the news agency was run by professional journalists. “They are not only operating at national level but also have overseas exposures. Hence, when the engineering and studio infrastructures are in place, I think Bernama can compete or at least be on par with BBC, CNN and Al Jazeera,” he said.
(Source: Bernama/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)