
Monday, April 09, 2007

Pirate radio activity March 31 - April 7

Today's logs, come via the pirate radio enthusiasts from Free Radio Weekly. Thanks to the gang at FRW and best of DX your way.
Gayle VH

Back Door Show
6950U 4/1 2340-0039* A show of music (Doors, Devo) and bits from other pirate radio shows (WHYP, United Patriot Militia Bingo, Captain Ron Shortwave Radio Metallica Worldwide, Radio Azteca, Oxycontin Radio, Jimmy the Weasel) along with the ever popular Jay Smilkstein bits. (333 Majewski CT)

Captain Morgan
6924.8 usb 4/5 *0032 to 0059* song medley ID at 0059 (444 Hertz) 6924.75 4/5 0:43 sio233 "Do You Know What I Mean?", Twilight Zone theme, funk music - sounds like James Brown, "Rock andn Roll Part 2" (Fansome)

Captain Ron Shortwave
6925u 4/2 1:04 Hello to Northwoods Radio, warming up the transmitter, thrash music, ID at 1:10, frequency seems to be drifting a bit (Fansome) 6925U, 4/2 0235-0240:10*, Obscure pop; Stay free, 73. SIO=353 (Frodge-MI)

Ernest T.
6925U 3/31 1948 Play that Funky Music White Boy (434 Fansome)

Fish Head Radio
6990U 4/1 2345 Looping Dust In The Wind and Dueling Banjos, ID as "Fish Head Radio" (Hertz)

Maple Leaf Radio
6925U 4/1 2040 Oh Canada, ID e mail address R & B song Get On Up (222 W Hertz)

Radio Ice Cream
6925USB 3/31 2314-0013 This show came on right after Undercover Radio. A show of heavy metal music (Metallica and others) with a male announcer. The announcer (Ice Cream Man) gave the id and announced the best in heavy metal music. Commander Bunny and the Ice Cream Man were talking and ordering food. Gave Belfast as the mail drop. (434 Majewski CT)

United Patriot Militia Bingo
6950U 4/2 0005 to 0040 (Hertz)
6950u 4/1/ 23:52 "John Arthur", quotes from Colonel Steve Anderson, Ganja talking about oxycontin, other familiar bits from UPMB, Sal Ammoniac, Al Masyga, Jay Smilkstein (Fansome

Cupid Radio (Europe-Netherlands)
3940.14, 3/31 2224-2229 Conditions were good on both 48 and 76 meters. While in MSN chat with Rinus, he informed me he was on. Heard Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2 and and ID by a female. S5 signal, but a lot of stateside AR chatter made copy difficult. (Maroti-NY)

Radio Odyssey (Europe-Greece)
6310AM 3/31 2225 Testing 1-2-3-4 this is Radio Odyssey testing, we would like to say hello to you, especially George in NY, hello George. Man On The Moon by REM (333 W Hertz)

The Bogusman (Europe-UK)
3904 3/31 2246-2315 Thanks to a tip on MSN Messenger, could hear a fast-paced song at tune-in, then a voice-over and a lengthy dialogue about Roxy Music and Bryan Ferry. Mention of the Bogusman at 2302. At 2311 there was a song that sounded like X-Ray Spex or Poly Styrene. (232 Maroti-NY)

Radio PiraƱa Internacional (South America)
6307.5 4/6 0955 - 1003, Spanish with EE ID, Musical Program, Reading reports of Moise Knochen of Montevideo Uruguay and others, 24332, (Eramo, Argentina)
(Source: Greg Majewshi/Free Radio Weekly #582)