
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Additional transmissions via VT Communications

NORWAY/RUSSIA/SOUTH AFRICA/U.K. Addit txions via VT Communications:
SW Radio Africa from April 18:
1700-1900 4880 MEY 100kW 005deg to SoAf English
1700-1900 11775 MSK 250kW 190deg to EaAf English,co-ch CRI Ge fr1800
1700-1900 11810 ARM 300kW 188deg to EaAf English
1700-1900 11975 tests April 19/20 to EaAf English [tent.Kvitsoe test]
1700-1900 12035 MSK 200kW 190deg to EaAf English,co-ch CRI Ar fr1830
[tentat. VTMC Rampisham]
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX Apr 24)