
Monday, May 21, 2007

Blog Logs - Brazil

This morning's Blog Logs, begin with a focus on what's being heard from Brazil. Have you sent your contributions in yet ?
Gayle VH

All times UTC // parallel frequency
3254.8 Radio Educadora 6 de Agosto, Xapuri AC, 2332-2339, 11 May, talks; SINPO 35242.Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 14)

3365, Radio Cultura, Araraquara, SP, 2312, Apr 30, Brazilian music, Portuguese announced ID as: "Cultura", 35443. (Grimm/DX Window324)

4825 Radio Educadora, Braganca PA, 2119-2131, 12 May, music, ID simply as "Educadora AM", municipality announcements; SINPO 35332. Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 14)

4845 Radio Cultura Manaus, 0030-0108, 5/17/07, Portuguese. Up-beat musical selections and OM on occasion. ID’s at 0038 and 0108. Fair/good. (Barbour-NH/NASWA FS)

4885 Radio Club do Para, Belem PA, 2006-..., 12 May, football news; SINPO 25342, then rated 55433 at 2105.Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 14)

4925.08, Radio Educacao Rural, Tefé, AM, 0155-0200*, May 08, Portuguese religious talk, hymn, closing ann, SINPO 24232. (Petersen/DX Window 324)

5990 Radio Sendao, Brasilia, 0955-1010, 5/18/07. Brazilian music. ID at 1000. Portuguese talk. Very good signal. (Alexander,PA/NASWA FS)

6089.96 Radio Bandeirantes (P), 0041-0104, 5/14/07, Portuguese. Talk by various anncrs b/w several ads/promos. Talk over anthem-like music at 0103. Poor/weak w/ DGS-6090 absent. (Barbour-NH/NASWA FS)

6135.0, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, SP, 2110-2135, Apr 27 and May 12, Portuguese talks, ann, mass, good // 9630. (Gonçalves and Korinek). Also heard 0930-0945, May 04, Portuguese, musical program, time check to ID: "Radio Aparecida, Rede Catolica do Radio", SINPO 44343. (Eramo/DX Window 324)

6135 Radio Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2135-..., 12 May, mass; SINPO 32431, QRM de POL (tent); \\ 9630.Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 14)

6170, Radio Cultura, São Paulo, SP, 0958-1003, May 04, Portuguese, classical music, ID's: "Radio Cultura São Paulo", "Cultura Bom Dia", SINPO 24322. (Eramo/DX Window 324)

6180, Radio Nacional da Amazônia, Brasilia, DF, 2350-0000, May 04, musical program in Portuguese, announced lottery results, ads to "Radio Nacional da Brasilia.......", "Radio Nacional da Amazonia emisora Radiobras" and "Nacional informa a noticiario da Radiobras", SINPO 34333. (Eramo/DX Window 324)

9565 Radio Tupi, Curitiba PR, 0942-f/out 1045, 12 May, preacher; SINPO 15331. Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 14)

9615 Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 0944-f/out 1055, 12 May, guitar pieces, talks; SINPO 25331.Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 14)

9630 Radio Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 0938-1105, 12 May, folk songs, program announcements, talks; SINPo 35433. Also 2138-..., same day, rosary w/ the Pope; SINPO 55433.Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 14)

9675 Radio Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 0940-1120, 12 May, Pope's address in Jornal Cancao Nova, mass; SINPO 35444. Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 14)

11734.9 Radio Transmundial, St M RS, 1727-1446, 12 May, IDs, phone-ins; SINPO 23442.Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 14)

11780 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 1425-1431, 12 May, phone-ins & listeners' messages; SINPO 35443, then QRM de stn in Chinese at 1430. Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 14)

11815 Radio Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 1417-1450, 12 May, advertisements, program Show da Bola; SINPO 24433.Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 14)

11829.5 Radio CBN Anhanguera, Goiania GO, 1421-1448, 12 May, f/ball news, advertisements; SINPO 24433.Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 14)

17815 Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 1422-1610, 12 May, Brazilian songs; SINPO 25432.Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX May 14)
(Source: DX Window 324/WWDXC Top News BC-DX # 808/NASWA Flash Sheet # 277)