
Monday, May 14, 2007

Blog Logs - Niger

Special thanks to regular contributor Brian Alexander, for sending in his recent logs of Niger's LV du Sahel. How about it Blog Readers ? Have you sent your logs in yet ?
NIGER 9703.99 LV du Sahel, Niamey, 2100-2200*, April 29, French & vernacular talk. Variety of Afro-pops, French pops, local tribal music & even a US pop tune. Koran at 2153. Sign off with choral National Anthem. Fair signal. Covered by WYFR on 9705 at 2000-2100*. Niger heard on 9705 lately but today I found them on 9703.99. Normal sign off time is 2300, but on Sundays they sign off at 2200.
(Brian Alexander, PA)

9703.99 LV du Sahel, Niamey, 2100-2200*, April 29, French & vernacular talk. Variety of Afro-pops, French pops, local tribal music & even a US pop tune. Koran at 2153. Sign off with choral National Anthem. Fair signal. Covered by WYFR on 9705 at 2000-2100*. Niger heard on 9705 lately but today I found them on 9703.99. Normal sign off time is 2300, but on Sundays they sign off at 2200 UT.
(Brian Alexander, PA)
French correspondence with return mint postage or $ 1.00 US, may be directed to:
ORTN - La Voix du Sahel.
Boite Postal 361
Niamey, Niger
(Source: Gayle VH TP NC)