
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Radio Canada International test transmissions

Dear Radio Colleague,
During the first two weeks of May, Radio Canada International is on the air shortwave from Sackville New Brunswick with a special series of test transmissions in the digital mode. These daily half hour broadcasts are presented under the auspices of NASB, the National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters in the United States, and they are produced by several of the American shortwave stations. On Friday May 4, the program is "Wavescan", the DX program that is produced by Adventist World Radio in the studios located on the island of Singapore and broadcast into Asia on shortwave from several relay sites, and also from shortwave station KSDA on the island of Guam.
The annual gathering for the American Shortwave Meetings, DRM-NASB, Digital Radio Mondiale & National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters, is scheduled to take place in Elkhart, Indiana in association with the HCJB technical facility on May 10 & 11. Several other international shortwave stations are also planning to broadcast special programs in the DRM mode for the Elkhart event.
Reception reports covering the reception of the AWR program from Canada in both the digital mode as well as analog are invited, and will be honored with a specially endorsed QSL card. We are very interested to know the effective coverage area of the transmission, as well as the width of the digital signal as noted on analog receivers, and the effect of analog interference on the digital signal.
Reception reports by postal mail are preferred, but emailed reports will also be welcomed You may send your reports for these test broadcasts to:-
Adventist World RadioBox 29235,IndianapolisIN 46229 USA
Email -
Reception reports on any of the test series from RCI Sackville may also be sent to:-NASB Test Broadcasts175 Fontainebleau Blvd IN4MiamiFlorida 33172 USA
Details of NASB test broadcasts from Radio Canada International Radio Canada International Daily for first two weeks in May 2200 - 2230 UTC 9800 kHz DRM AWR broadcast on Friday May 4
Dr. Adrian M. PetersonNASB Board Member AWR DX Editor