
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Blog Logs from Free Radio Weekly

This morning's first post, covers a sampling of pirate activity during June 16-22. Thanks to the fine pirate chasers at FRW.
Gayle VH

Captain Ron

6925u 6/21/7 1:25 (or so), sio131, just caught the very end of this, with some sort of commentary, very weak signal, but I could tell it was the good(?) Captain. (Al Fansome) 6925u 6/22/7 22:45 sio222, seems a might bit off frequency, head-banging music, ID at 22:48, "Captain Ron's out of control!" (he probably forgot his pants again) (Al Fansome:)

Chicken Radio
6925u 6/17/7 00:19 sio444, very good signal, comedy skit, musical interlude with birds chirping, "Cock-doodle-doo", id at 00:22 (Al Fansome)
6925usb,6-17-07,0024utc,sio=132 poor, host=Superchicken, Story Lady, episode of "Chicken Man", ad for movie "Farmageddon", comedy skit about Electric Amish. (Hassig-IL) 6925U *2215-2238+ 6/16/07 SIO=222. I believe that this was the ID given, but I list it as slightly tentative. Chicken song at open, into sketches about chickens and also a segment about an ad for the movie, "Electric Amish Armageddon." Poor in bad local hum noise. Hrd no addr. (Zeller-OH)

Radio Pigmeat International
6875.9am,6-17-07,0037utc,sio=132 poor, hvy mtl mx incl "R&R Star", Blues & Soul mx, Neil Young "Cinnamon Girl", Hendrix "All Along the Watchtower". (Hassig-IL)

Random Radio
6925usb,6-16-07,0222utc,sio=144 good, various pop music selections. (Hassig-IL)

Wolverine Radio
6925u 6/17/7 02:40 sio333, "Freddie's Dead", ID at 02:41, soul/funk that I don't recognize (Al Fansome) 6925 usb, 0238-0255* Jun 17, noted with rock music and man announcer with IDs between musical selections. No address noted. Closed with multiple IDs prior to Northwood’s radio re-opening. Fair to good. (D'Angelo-PA)
Wolverine Radio 6925u 6/22/7 23:16 sio423 "Communications Breakdown", other Led Zeppelin (Al Fansome)

6950a 6/19/7 00:52 sio222 "Come Monday", "I Don't Like Mondays" (Al Fansome)
Source: Free Radio Weekly # 593 via Ed Kusalik)