
Friday, June 08, 2007

Checkerboard Lounge gears up for second 'blues' show

Bringing the Blues to the World
Last Sunday, June 3, WBCQ graced the air ways with their premier program Checkerboard Lounge.
Presented by Roscoe the Bartender, who brought the shortwave world the nostalic sounds of blues from legends Buddy Guy, Robert Johnson, Eric Clapton, John Lee Hooker, Son House, Lightening Hopkins and more.

Mark you calender blues fans, for the next show on Sunday June 10 at 2200 UTC, on 7415 kHz.

Roscoe welcomes reception reports to:
The Checkerboard Lounge
7914 Dodge Road, Suite 210
Omaha, NE 68114 USA

To verify the program, send in your reception report, including the date, frequency, time, radio conditions (fading, interferences, reception quality) as well as music titles or artist played. Listeners in the USA need to include a self addressed stamped envelope. Listeners outside the USA need to include a self addressed envelope and 2 IRC's (International Reply Coupons).

The Checkboard Lounge website address:

Ready to become a Checkerboard Lounge Lizzard? You don't want to miss the show. Oh yeah, thanks Roscoe for the Clapton song! Keep em coming...hey, is that Eric and B.B. King I'm hearing?
Gayle VH