
Monday, June 11, 2007

Radio Slovakia summer schedule

This is the summer 07 schedule of Radio Slovakia International

All times UTC
0800-0830: 7345 6055
1330-1400: 7345 6055
1600-1630: 6055 5920
1800-1830: 6055 5920
0200-0230: 9440 5930
1700-1730: 6055 5920
1930-2000: 6055 5920

0100-0130: 9440 5930
0700-0730: 15460 9440
1630-1700: 6055 5920
1830-1900: 7345 6055

0230-0300: 11900 9440
1430-1500: 11600 9440
2000-2030: 11650 6055

0130-0200: 9440 5930
0730-0800: 15460 9440
1530-1600: 7345 5920
1900-1930: 6055 5920

1300-1330: 9440 7345
1500-1530: 9535 7345
1730-1800: 7345 5920

All channels are free from interference just on 6055 I heard a Spanish football match Saturday afternoon around 1700 under Slovak radio. As many stations RSI is announcing an incorrect frequency in its programme. For 1630-1700 in English is announced 7345 instead of 6055. All language schedules are repeated before each programme. There is one original program per day in the afternoon with repetitions the following out sendings.
(Udo Krueger-D wwdxc BC-DX June 5)
(Source: WWDXC Top News - BC DX # 811)