
Friday, June 08, 2007

Russia Today to launch on YouTube

Russia’s English language Russia Today (RT) news channel will start broadcasting on YouTube. RT representatives said Internet users will be able to view the channel’s best news programs, documentaries, and commentaries on . The content will be updated daily .

The channel’s Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan said cooperation with YouTube will help significantly enlarge Russia Today’s audience. “Russia Today is entering a new media space. “The audience will get access to the most interesting programmes and films from any part of the world if they didn’t manage to view it on air”, she said.

The current cooperation between RT and YouTube is part of the company’s corporate strategy to enlarge the audience and attract viewers with different interests. The company’s representatives they will cooperate on a non-commercial basis.

Programmes of such companies as BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera and Reuters are broadcast on YouTube. Russia Today is the first Russian channel to start this kind of cooperation with YouTube.
(Source: CNews/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)