
Friday, June 29, 2007

Turkmenistan monitoring observations


Last days I checked the radio of Turkmenistan. The two frequencies 4930 and 5015 are still active. I heard the programmes very weak, but the programmes of Turkmenistan are easy to recognize due to their language and instrumental music. 4930 was not audible in tne evening
until 2100 because of VOA on that frequency. So it was possible to hear from 2100-2300 when the hight break beginns on 4930, then from 0059-0150, when the station faded out. 5015 came in after 2100 and was audible until 0130 (fade out). The night break is before 2100. The programmes are not in \\, just some news at the beginning of the hour. 2100-2300, 0059-~0150: 4930 2100-~0130 UT: 5015 kHz.
(Udo Krueger-D, wwdxc BC-DX June 18)
(Source: BC-DX # 813)