
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Vanauta observations on 7260 kHz

VANUATU Radio Vanuatu, Vila on 7260 kHz noted with a nx bulletin in French at 2100 UT after the Chinese Firedrake rubbish left the frequency. French seemed to last until around 2130 UT when Bislama was heard along with local and Western pop music. One day (3 June) a BBC News broadcast in English was heard at 2200 UT, today (June 5) speech in Bislama was heard at that time. I am able to hear the station (weakly) until about 0100 UT when the Voice of Russia and others dominate the frequency. There is no sign of the station in our local evening (0600-1100 UT) on either 7260 or 3945 kHz. I was beginning to think they were off the air until I heard this!
(Barry Hartley-NZL, wwdxc BC-DX June 6)
(Source: WWDXC Top News - BC DX # 811)