
Saturday, June 09, 2007

Voice of Nigeria revises their English schedule

Thanks to contributor T. Banks of Dallas, Texas for information that Voice of Nigeria has recently revised their English external service, and operate as follows.

All times UTC, kHz, targeted to Africa

0800-0900 9690
0900-1000 9690
1000-1100 9690
1100-1200 9690
1200-1300 9690
1300-1400 9690
1400-1500 9690
1500-1600 9690
1600-1630 9690
1630-1700 15120
1700-1800 15120
1800-1900 15120
1900-2000 15120
2000-2100 15120
2100-2200 7255
2200-2300 7355