
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Blog Logs

Thanks to Ron Howard, Zacharias Liangas and Russ Schmidt for the following shortwave loggings.
Gayle VH

ASCENSION ISLAND [broadcasting to Liberia]. 9525, Star Radio, 0725-0730, July 18, they have indeed returned to the air after their move to new offices. Heard with interview regarding human rights, drums, "That ends todays edition of Liberia Today", into Cotton Tree News (CTN) programming. Per the Star Radio website: The Management of the independent Star Radio says it remains resolved to continue
serving its listeners in the most professional manner. The Manager of Star Radio however called for financial and logistical support to help the station achieve its goals. Mr. James Morlu clarified that star radio's request for assistance should not be misconstrued. He said the station's editorial policy does not allow any interference in its broadcast activities. Mr. Morlu was speaking Monday [July 16] at the formal dedication ceremony of the station from Mamba Point to its new offices on Broad Street. (Ron Howard-CA)

ASCENSION ISLAND [broadcasting to Sierra Leone]. 9525, Cotton Tree News (CTN), 0730-0758*, July 18, starts with drums, "This is CTN", into news segments in different languages, very faint audio after the clear ID, sign-off with: "You have been listening to CTN with the news in Krio, Limba, Mende and Temne". Poor/fair, with QRM from VOI, with their recorded loop of music and IDs ("You are listening to the Voice of Indonesia"). Ron Howard-CA)

Radio Saint Helena has been heard in Thessaloniki with good signal, 35444 (1900) to 35333 (ca 2000 )and 22332 (2020) as and maximum signal of S9 on 1900 to S-6 on 2000 and no on 2026 NO significant QRM/N except some very low level DSL line hash and a carrier of S1 on 16 db pre-amplification.

Program was based with music (oldies) and reports form abroad, referred after each song . I have heard the name of Anker Pertersen on 1947.Later there were reports from Japan ,S England Scotland, Finland Switzerland ON 2006 there was a short news program followed by announcement.

Then again 2020 back to the music program , under a very poor signal , nearly marginal. So that I stopped listening . but again on 2040 signal seems staging up to S5 with program continuing under oldies and IDs/reports in between with nearly same signal till a sudden fade our on 205210 I fond that program stayed at least 15 minutes after 2100 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece)

Here's what I picked up in central Wisconsin over a two day vacation period. I was about 50 miles west of Oshkosh on a lake. I used a Grundig G1000A and my old Sony 2010.

2100UTC Deutsche Welle on 15200
BBC on 11675
Spanish Numbers on 6.850. Woman reading groups of 3 numbers

2200UTC BBC on 5975

0000UTC Radio Thailand on 5890. Very clear signal.
Radio China International on 9570. News program.

0035 UTC Radio Austria International 9870.

0100 UTC Radio Prague on 6200.

0115 UTC Radio Slovakia International on 5930
Voice of Russia on 9664 signal very clear.

0400 UTC Radio Netherlands on 6165

0500 UTC Radio Australia on 15240 and 15515. 15240 very weak signal with
music and morning chat on both.

0000 UTC Radio Japan on 6145

0015 UTC Radio Netherlands on 9845

0030 UTC Radio Canada International on 6100

0045 UTC Radio Vilinius Lithuania on 5890

0145-0200 UTC. VOA Special Program in English on 6045. Show about heat stroke, heat dehydration and dressing for warm weather. (Russ Schmidt, WS)