
Monday, July 30, 2007

Pirate logs from Free Radio Weekly

Two new pirates reported this week, Long Range Radio and Mind Botch Radio. Thanks to the pirate fans, enjoy a sampling from this weeks newsletter.
Gayle VH

all times UTC

Hey Joe Radio
7/26/7 00:29 sio434, very strong signal, came on all of a sudden in mid-song,"Hey Joe", of course, then faded away at 00:30 (Al Fansome)
6925 WHJR Hey Joe Radio) 26 July 07. 0024-0033. First time log of this station. IDs as "Hey Joe Radio, and WHJR-All Joe all the time." Several renditions of"Hey Joe" including one by Jimi Hendrix. Poor. (Wood, TN).

Long Range Radio
6925.5U 0254-0326 7/22/07 SIO=242+. Prgm started w/two males talking and laughing. Dial a Ho sketch, and an interview w/a comedian. Some rock, plus several parody ads. One ad for Generation X-lax, and another ad for RU-469 contraception method. No addr ancd. (Zeller-OH)

6850.8AM,7-22-07,0048-0058,fair/poor, Paul Starr show, woman singing "You Are My Sunshine" alone without music, Byrds: "Tambourine Man", off with natl anthem & laughter. (Hassig-IL)6950AM 7/26/7 1:14 sio434, great signal, Paul Starr singing along, seems to have gone at 1:20(Al Fansome)

Mind Botch Radio
6925.6 AM *0035-0054* 7/22/07 SIO=444/545. A new one for me, blasting in with a genuine powerhouse signal. Some rock at the beginning, but mainly a prgm of country mx tunes including the oldie Jambalaya and other more modern country mx. Ancd the 6925 freq and requested repts to the FRN. (Zeller-OH)

Radio Is My Friend/ My Friend is Radio

6925.6 0127-0152 7/22/07SIO=444/545. Return of this story about Graham Conner at the Cherokee Asylum in Iowa. He doesn’t like the meat loaf or the high volume TV at the asylum, and it is not his home. Some woman named Abigail sent him to the asylum in 1979, but he doesn’t like it. Some rock mx incl “Radio Killed the Radio Star,” but mostly Conner moaning about his dismal fate in the asylum. No addr ancd. The only ID on this one is several repeats of the slogan as listed here. Probably the same xmtr as Mind Botch R., as both of them blasted in here. (Zeller-OH)

Voice of Laryngitis
6925AM 7/22 0226+ A story about the FCC and Bob. The story compared pirate radio as an addiction like drugs. (333 Majewski CT)

Wolverine Radio
7/25/7 00:40 sio444, "Whole Lotta Love", other Led Zeppelin, ID at 00:45(Al Fansome)
(Source: Free Radio Weekly # 598 via Ed Kusalik)