
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Xizang Lhasa schedule update

I recently toured Tibet and found the following SW schedule to be valid for Radio China Tibet:
Chinese General News Programme via Lhasa:

All times UTC
4820 (2000-1730)
5935 (2000-1730)
7170 (2000-0300, 0900-1730)
7240 (2000-0300, 0900-1730)
11860 (0300-0900)
11950 (0300-0900)

via Xian:
6050 (2000-1730)

Tibetan General News Programme
via Lhasa:
2100-0200 on 4905, 4920, 5240, 6110 and 6130

via Lingshi:
7385 (2100-0200, 0930-1800)
9580 (0200-0930)

via Xian:
6200 (2100-1800)
9490 (0200-1000)
7125 (2100-0200, 1000-1800)

Because of transmitter maintenance, there is complete "radio silence" in Tibet on Tuesdays from 0600 to 1000, in both main programmes.
The English Programme "Holy Tibet" is aired at 0700-0730 and 1630-1700 in the Tibetan Programme only. I met the producers of this programme at the broadcasting complex in Lhasa and was the first foreign listener to visit them. "Holy Tibet" started in May 2001 and is now a full half-hour programme. New programmes are produced on Mo, We and Fr with repeats on the following days. On Su there is only a music programme. The programme is aimed at tourists visiting Tibet as well as at the descendants of the many Tibetan refugees living in India. (Van Delft, Jul 10)
(Source: DX Window # 328 via Anker Petersen)