
Friday, August 17, 2007

Amateur radio I.C.P.O. Bulletin

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (August 16-24, 2007)
Islands, Castles & Portable Operations.
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)

16/08/2007: Marco, IZ3GNG reports will be active as 9A/IZ3GNG from Primosten, Croatia, August 16-19th. He plans to operate SSB on 40-6 metres. QSL via home call. [425 DX News]

16/08/2007: Henk/PA3FMC and Ruud/PE1BTV will be QRV as LA/PA3FMC from Utvær Island (EU-055) and lighthouse (ARLHS NOR-264, WLOTA LH-2373, WW Loc. JP21GA), August 16-22nd. They will participate in the International Lighthouse/Lightship weekend. Activity will be on all HF bands using SSB and BPSK, plus 2 and 6 metres with meteor scatter. QSL via PA3FMC ( Further information can be found at [RSGB IOTA]

16/08/2007: Ghis, ON5NT reports he will be active holiday style as SV9/ON5NT from Crete (EU-015, MIA MGC-005, WLOTA LH-1400), August 16-23rd. QSL via home call. [425 DX News]

17/08/2007: K6MYC, N6TQS, I2MQP, JA1BK and UT5UT will travel to Montenegro and Serbia next month. From September 17-21st they will operate as 4O1AO and 4O1M from the QTH of Gojko (YU6AO); from September 21-23rd they will be at the World HST Championship (Belgrade), then they will go and operate as YT5A from the station of Hrane, YT1AD until the 26th. Expect activity on all the HF bands plus 2 and 6 metres on CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31, SSTV and EME. [425 DX News]

17/08/2007: Emir, 9A6AA, plans to be active on HF bands as 4O6AA from Sveti Nikola Island (EU-163, WLOTA LH-1097, WW Loc. JN92KG) or Katici rock (EU-163, WLOTA LH-0471), Republic of Montenegro, between August 17th and 20th. QSL direct only to 9A6AA. Further information can be found at: . [9A6AA]

17/08/2007: Operators Jari/OH1BOI, Mikko/OH1VL and Hannu/OH1JJO will be QRV August 17-19th as OH1AV/2 from Vormo Island (EU-097, WW Loc. KP20CA, OHC208 Inkoo). QSL via OH1BOI, direct or bureau. [RSGB IOTA]

17/08/2007: Roland, HB9FMD will be active as OX/HB9FMD from the Hotel Hvide Falk, Ilulissat, Greenland (NA-018, WLOTA LH-0072), August 17-27th. Activity will be mainly CW on the WARC bands. QSL via home call. [NG3K]

17/08/2007: Look for Oleg, RA1AR to be active August 17-19th, Russian Districts Award Contest included, as RA1AR/p from RDA District LO-28 (Kirovsky), Leningradskaya oblast (LO). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

17/08/2007: Team RK9CZO will be active August 17-19th, Russian Districts Award Contest included, as RK9CZO/p from RDA District SV-57 (Nev'jansky), Sverdlovskaya oblast (SV). QSL direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

17/08/2007: A special radio station will be active as SN2NP during the ILLW between August 17-19th. Activity will be from the lighthouse in Gdansk Nowy Port (ARLHS POL 033, WW Loc.JO94IJ). Operations will be on CW, PSK31, RTTY and SSB. QSL via SP2BIK, direct or by the bureau. [OPDX]

18/08/2007: Members of the Radio Club Uruguay (CX1AA) will activate Faro Puerto del Buceo West Breakwater (ARLHS URU-014, WW Loc. GF15WC), during the upcoming ILLW activity, August 18-19th. Activity will take place from Friday, August 17th, 2200z until Monday, 20th 0100z, on all bands from 160-10 metres on CW and SSB with at least two stations using the special call sign CV1AA. If possible, some digital modes and VHF 2 metre operation will also be active too. QSL for this activity only DIRECT to: Radio Club Uruguayo, P.O.Box 37, 11000, Montevideo, Uruguay, South America, with SASE and IRC or 2 green stamps. [OPDX]

18/08/2007: The Radio Club Colonia will operate as CV7FARO from Colonia del Sacramento lighthouse (URU-007), August 18-19th. The operators will be running three stations on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres, plus UHF/VHF. QSL via CX1FA. [425 DX News]

18/08/2007: Look for Bruno, F4FIU/p on August 18th, or August 19th, to activate the Small Mill D'éclaibes (DMF reference 59-053), Department Nord (DDFM 59), Province of Nord Pas de Calais (DPF 16). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. []

18/08/2007: Ian/GW0VML and Jayne, Steve/G0SGB and Hugh/M1NTO will be participating in this years International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (August 18-19th) as GB1SL from The Skerries Lighthouse (BARLS A-5168, ARLHS WAL-030, TWLHD WLH GW-016, WW Loc. IO73QJ), Wales. Further news will be posted closer to the date. [GW0VML]

18/08/2007: Glynn, GW0ANA is planning a 'Micro-light' IOTA expedition as GM0ANA/p to some Scottish Islands from August 18th to 28th. He'll be using a Kenwood TS50S into an inverted V from fishing pole with battery power from a solar panel. Mode SSB, on 80-10m including WARC [18/24 MHz]. He hopes to activate St. Kilda (EU-059, IOSA OL02, SOTA DI23), weather permitting, for a couple of hours also various islands in the Outer Hebrides EU-010. He will be cruising these waters with friends on holiday and "Ham Radio is secondary". QSL via GW0ANA. [Southgate ARC]

18/08/2007: Mauro, IK3SCB reports he plans to be active as IK3SCB/ID9 from Lipari Island (EU-017, IIA ME-001, MIA MI-053), August 18-24th. QSL via bureau. [425 DX News]

18/08/2007: Jeff, KC0MKS will be operating USi special event station K0I from Knife Island (USi MN-010, Lake County), Minnesota, on August 18th and 19th. Plans are to work mostly SSB on (or near) 7.250, 14.250, 21.350 and 28.450 MHz. CW frequency will be announced on the air. QSL via KC0MKS. [USi]

18/08/2007: Team RK0AWQ will be active during the Russian Districts Award Contest (August 18-19th) as RK0AWQ/p from RDA District KK-31 (Bol'sheulujsky), Krasnoyarsk Kraj (KK). QSL direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

18/08/2007: Team RK3EXA will be active during the Russian Districts Award Contest as RK3EXA/p from RDA District OR-12 (Zalegoshchensky), Orlovskaya oblast (OR). QSL direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

18/08/2007: Team RK3MWL will be active during the Russian Districts Award Contest as RK3MWL/p from RDA District YR-24 (Rostovsky), Yaroslavskaya oblast (YR). QSL direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

18/08/2007: Team RK3NWC will be active in the Russian Districts Award Contest (August 18-19th) as RK3NWC/p from RDA District KS-32 (Shar'insky), Kostromskaya oblast (KS). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

18/08/2007: Team RK3PWJ will be active in the Russian Districts Award Contest (August 18-19th) as RK3PWJ/p from District TL-21 (Efremovsky), Tul'skaya oblast (TL). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

18/08/2007: Team RZ1CXO will be active during the Russian Districts Award Contest as RZ1CXO/p from RDA District LO-15 (Slantsy City), Leningradskaya oblast (LO). QSL via RN1CW, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

18/08/2007: Sergey, RZ3AMW will be active during the Russian Districts Award Contest as RZ3AMW/3 from RDA District VL-18 (Kirzhachsky), Vladimirskaya oblast (VL). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

18/08/2007: Team RZ4NWQ will be active during the Russian Districts Award Contest as RZ4NWQ/p from RDA District KI-20 (Kirovskyo-Chepetsky), Kirovskaya oblast (KI). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

18/08/2007: Marek/SP3VT and Rysiek/SP-0106-W will be active August 18-19th as SN1LH from the Czolpino Ligthouse (ARLHS POL-002). QSL via SP3VT. [425 DX News]

18/08/2007: Gianni, IZ7FLP will operate SSB as SV8/IZ7FLP from Zakynthos [aka Zante] (EU-052, MIA MG-138), August 18-25th. QSL via home call. Further info at: [425 DX News]

18/08/2007: Look for TA2RX to activate the Taslik Gelidonya Lighthouse (TUR-049) for the first time during the ILLW. There is no electricity or generator there. Due to the hard conditions to reach the lighthouse - nearest road suitable for vehicle traffic is 2 kms away - the operator will be operating QRP, using a car battery (He has to carry all the equipment for 2 miles on foot). Operations will be only 20 and 40 metres. So watch out for this QRP DXpedition. [OPDX]

18/08/2007: Mike/UA1QV and Victor/RA1QKI will be active in the Russian Districts Award Contest (August 18-19th) as homecall/1 from District NO-01 (Nar'Jan-Mar City, Chaichiy Island EU-160, RR-New One!), near Cape Mikoulkin, Nenetsky Autonomous Okrug (NO). QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

18/08/2007: Vlad, UA9CNV will be active during the Russian Districts Award Contest as UA9CNV/9 from RDA District PM-24 (Gornozavodsky), Permskaya oblast (PM). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

18/08/2007: Don, VP8ON and others plan to operate again as VP8LGT from Cape Pembroke Lighthouse (FAL 001) near Stanley, Falkland Islands (SA-002) for the ILLW. QSL via VP8ON. [425 DX News]

19/08/2007: Members of Anseong DX Club will be active as HL0LPM/3 from Taenanji Island (AS-080, KDN F-17) between August 19-21st. Operators mentioned are Song/6K2BWA, Lee/DS2GWM, Kwon/DS2GXU, Cho/DS2LLD and Kim/HL2CFY. Activity will be on 160-6 meters CW/SSB/RTTY with various beam and amplifiers. QSL via 6K2BWA, by the Bureau or direct to: Song Jang Woon, 104-1004 Daewoo APT, Dangwang Dong, Anseong, Gyeonggi 456-705, South Korea. [OPDX]

19/08/2007: Chae, HL5YI/4 will be active from Sorok Island (AS-060) for a few days starting August 19th. He plans to operate on 40, 20, 17, 15 and 10 meters CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [425 DX News]

19/08/2007: Reports indicate that Mark, W4CK, hopes to be active from Wake Island (OC-053, USi OI-012S, WLOTA LH-2293) for about two weeks beginning around August 19th. He has obtained the special callsign K9W and plans to be active mainly CW only. QSL via W4CK. [OPDX]

19/08/2007: Johan, PA3EXX will operate as OX/PA3EXX/p from Rathbone Island in the Greenland's Coastal Islands North East group (NA-243, new one for IOTA), August 19-23rd. QSL via PA3EXX. [425 DX News]

19/08/2007: Seppo, OH1VR will be QRV from the island of Bermuda (NA-005) as VP9/OH1VR from August 19-21st, mainly on CW. QSL via OH1VR, CBA. [NG3K]

20/08/2007: Marco, IZ3GNG will be active as 9A/IZ3GNG from Brac Island (EU-016, ACIA IC-657, CIA-04, IOCA CI-010, MIA MC-042), August 20-23rd. He plans to operate SSB on 40-6 metres. QSL via home call. [425 DX News]

23/08/2007: Vange, BD7KLO will activate Pingtan [aka Haitan] Island (BY5, AS-138) from August 23-26th. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RSGB IOTA]

24/08/2007: The Granville ARC, (West Normandy, Manche Department), will conduct a IOTA DXpedition to Tombelaine Island (EU-156, MA-021 for the French Metropolitan Islands Award - DIFM), a rock located in front of the Mont Saint Michel, from 1800z August 24th to around 1200z August 26th. They will use the call sign F5KAQ/p on all bands, using CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL via F5RJM, either French REF Bureau or direct (SAE + postage) to: Denis Villemin, 4 Le Flaquet, F50470 Tollevast (France). [F5NQL]

24/08/2007: Operators Yuri/RV6LO, Constantin/RK6LP, Alex/RZ6MM, Vlad/RZ6LF, Yuri/RW6LE and Nikolai/RW6LC will be active August 24-26th as homecall/p from RDA District RO-62 (Ust'-Donetsky), Rostovskaya oblast (RO). QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]

24/08/2007: Jack, KC9KVU/p will activate Rock Island (Not IOTA, USi WI-014L, Door County), Wisconsin, between August 24th and 26th. Activity will be on 80-10 metres (3.850 7.250, 14.250, 21.350 and 28.450 MHz). QSL via home call. [USi]

24/08/2007: Mike, RV3ECW will be active August 24-25th as RV3ECW/3/m and /6/m from Districts (RDA): VR-01, VR-03, VR-28, VR-15, VR-18; RO-18, RO-45, RO-17, RO-41, RO-10; KR-42, KR-30, KR-37; AD-08, AD-07; and KR-16, KR-58. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Information about the Russian Districts Award can be found at: [RX3RC]

24/08/2007: Jorgen/SM3CXS, Classe/SM3GSK, Staffan/SM3JGG, Sten/SM3NXS and Anders/SM3XGV will activate Grimskar Island (EU-176) between 1700z August 24th and 1200z August 26th. They will be using the call signs SD3N and SG3U on 80-10 metres, using CW and SSB. QSL SD3N via SM3NXS; QSL SG3U via SM3CXS, bureau preferred (see [SM3CXS]

(Source: ICPO Bulletin/Dave Raycroft via ODXA)