
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Blog Logs - Bolivia & Brazil

All times UTC // parallel frequency

3310 Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 2230-2239, 16 Aug, Quechua language, messages (tent SINPO 33341 with utility QRM.

4650.9 Radio Sta Ana, Sta Ana del Yacuma, 2207-2215, 15 Aug, Spanish, talks, songs; 34342, muffled audio, utility QRM.

4690.4 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 2230-2238, 13 Aug, Spanish, light songs;SINPO 34332.

4716.6 Radio Yura, Yura, 2235-2246, 13 Aug, Quechua, talks, Indian dances and songs with SINPO 35332.

4796.3 Radio Mallku, Uyuni, 2244-2253, 13 Aug, Aymara/Spanish, talks, tunes;SINPO 44332. CODAR QRM.

5952.6 Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2218-2227, 12 Aug, Spanish, listener phone-in with SINPO 44433.

6105.5 Radio Panamericana, La Paz, 2234-2244, 11 Aug, Spanish, songs; SINPO 55433.

4409.7 Radio Eco, Reyes, 2237-2245, 20 Aug, Spanish, light songs; SINPO 25231.

6155.1 Radio Fides, La Paz, 2235-2249, 20 Aug, Spanish, newscast,
advertisements, talks on home politics; noisy carrier. SINPO 33432 with adajacent QRM.
(all Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Aug 21/22)

Brazil (all in Portuguese)
6135 Radio Aparecida 0925-0933 Pleasant Brazilian pops, 0927 live male announcers program to canned announcements. Promo/ID and back to music at 0929. Fairly nice signal but QRM from equal strength Santa Cruz on 6134.8. // 9629.98 which was clear but weaker.

6080.15 R. Novas de Paz 0936-0946 Easy pleasant Brazilian music, to male announcer briefly between songs at 0938 but just too difficult to copy due to pres. HCJB QRM. 0940 M anncr returned, then back to more mx, and same M again at 0944. // much better 9515 although some fading.

6104.96 Radio Filadelfia (pres.) Talk by male announcer at 1016-1019. Not // 9625. Just too weak and presumably too late.

9645.24 Radio Bandeirantes 0951 just tlk by male and female in Portuguese while tuned in briefly, and unmistakable cat meowing SFX played very often as they have in the past. 0952 ads. Ment of Brasil. Fady. Off freq quite a bit. There was a signal on 11925.23, but it wasn't strong enough to get any reasonable audio. Quite a few Brazilians on the bands this morning.

9664.98 Radio Marumby. Heard male talking around 0947 on tune through. Came back at 0954 and caught canned ad followed by complete canned ID anmnt w/freqs by male announcer, then easy Brazilian pop song 0956.

9530.03 Radio Trans Mundial (pres.) 0959 Possible religious program. Music to male announcer. Fanfare then more talk by announcer over music. Possible canned ID. Announcement at 1002 by M w/several mentions of "kilohertz" and AM but just couldn't copy an ID. Different male announcer at 1004 over music. Will have to keep an ear on this freq to get an recording of the ID. (Dave Valko-USA, hcdx Aug 23)

Medium wave stations begin to be audible at around 2030-2100, and there's a handful of channels where Brazilian carriers are noted and which continue throughout the night, an ex. thereof being VEN stn Ondas del Mar in Puerto Cabello 1380 kHz at 0736 on 16 Aug still getting Braz QRM.

3325 Radio Mundial, Sao Paulo SP, 2232-2250, 16 Aug, A Voz do Brasil, middle of part 2, with "Jornal da Camara dos Deputados". SINPO 45332.

3365 Radio Cultura, Araraquara SP, 2235-2246, 12 Aug, songs. SINPO 35231. Slightly better on 15 Aug at 2215 during "A Voz do Brasil" really.

3385 Radio Guaruja, Guaruja SP, 2215-2221, 15 Aug, A Voz do Brasil; SINPO 13341 with utility QRM.

4775 Radio Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2146-..., 12 Aug, ads. SINPO 25331.

4785 Radio Caiari, Pto Velho RO, 2232-2239, 14 Aug, A Voz do Brasil part 2. SINPO 25331. This is not co-channel. Radio Brasil in SP due to Beverage antenna bearing.

4805 Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2144-2156, 12 Aug, football match report. SINPO 54333. CODAR QRM. Note: no Voz do Brasil news 2200-2300.

4815 Radio Difusora, Londrina PR, 2247-..., A Voz do Brasil part 2. SINPO 23341.

4825 Radio Educadora, Braganca PA, 2142-2203, 12 Aug, Pop music. SINPO 44332,

4845.2 Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus AM, 2142-2155, 11 Aug, football match report. SINPO 43342, QRM de MTN. Radio COT does not relay "A Voz do Brasil" Nacional newscast 2200-2300.

4865 Radio Alvorada (?), Londrina PR, 2132-..., 12 Aug, sermon followed by "momentos de oracao". SINPO 34342, QRM via Bolivia.

4885 Radio Club do Para, Belem PA, 0855-f/ou1020, 12 Aug, songs in program "Club Madrugada" SINPO 35444.

4885 Radio Club do Para, Belem PA, 2031-2048, 12 Aug, football match report and ads. SINPO 45332.

4915 Radio CBN Anhangueera (tent), Goiania GO, 2205-2214, 12 Aug, religious program. SINPO 43332, QRM via Brazil.

4915 Radio Difusora, Macapa AP, 2205-2215, 12 Aug, end of program from Associacao Espirita de Macapa, songs. SINPO 43332, QRM via Brazil.

4925 Radio Educacao Rural, Tefe AM, 2214-2225, 14 Aug, A Voz do Brasil part 1. SINPO 24331, QRM de UNID, possibly Indonesia and splatter via China on 4920.

4935 Radio Capixaba, Vitoria ES, 2211-2224, 14 Aug, A Voz do Brasil, part 1. SINPO 35332.

4985 Radio Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 2250-..., 13 Aug, A Voz do Brasil, end of 2nd part. SINPO 55444.

5035 Radio Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2205-2218, 14 Aug, A Voz do Brasil cnational newscast. SINPO 33432, QRM de UNID, possibly Brazil too, but also a bit of signal splatter.

5035 Radio Educacao Rural, Coari AM, 2223-2234, 15 Aug, A Voz do Brasil. SINPO 33342. QRM via Radio Aparecida, also with VdoB, but the both weren't synchronised.

6000 Radio Guaiba, Pto Alegre RS, 2219-2228, 12 Aug, talks. SINPO 24331, adajacent QRM.

6010 Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2207-2219, 11 Aug, songs. SINPO 44433, het. with 6010.1, posibly Colombia.

6020 Radio Gaucha, Pto Alegre RS, 2104-2116, 11 Aug, advertisements, program "Gaucha Desporto"; 34332, adajacent QRM; no Voz do Brasil 2200-2300.

6040 Radio Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 2215-2225, 11 Aug, advertisements, football match report. SINPO 44433.

6150 R. Record, Sao Paulo SP, 2246-2256, 11 Aug, f/ball match rpt. SINPO 43432, QRM via China.

9530 R. Transmundial, Sta Ma RS, 2145-2200*, 13 Aug, religious program to songs and e-mail info. Station slogan "TM - comunicando com a forca da palavra!", affilitated stns list; 44433.

9565 Radio Tupi, Curitiba PR, 2231-2246, 15 Aug, A Voz do Brasil with "Noticiario do Poder Judicial". SINPO 34433. Adajacent QRM.

9645.1 Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 2227-2233, 15 Aug, football news (so no Voz do Brasil). SINPO 42441. QRM via China RI 9640 in Castilian.

11735 R. Transmundial, Sta Ma RS, 1433-..., 12 Aug, religious lecture. SINPO 35343 and 2nd best 11 MHz B signal at 1445 on 15 Aug.

11784.8 Radio Guaiba, Pto Alegre RS, 2131-2143, 11 Aug, Advertisements to football match report. in Caxias do sul. SINPO 43443. Adajacent QRM.

11784.8 Radio Guaiba, Pto Alegre RS, 1439-1454, 15 Aug, Avertisements, announcements and newscast. SINPO 244432.

11804.8 Radio Globo, Rio de Jano RJ, 1430-1450, 15 Aug, program announcements. SINPO 34443 but deteriorating & was already vy. poor at 1450; QRM via Chinese jammer + UNID, probably RFA.

11815 Radio Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 2200-2223, 13 Aug, A Voz do Brasil part 1. SINPO 45444.

11815 Radio Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 1425-1515, 15 Aug, advertisements, sports news and announcements. Talks with SINPO 35443.

11830 Radio CBN Anhangueera, Goiania GO, 1433-1512, 15 Aug, prgr "CBN Mais Desporto", announcements, news. SINPO 34443, QRM de RUS (tent).

11855.1 Radio Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2135-2147, 11 Aug, songs in prgr "Pe na Estrada" SINPO 43442; // 5035, 6135 & 9630.

11925.1 Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 1436-1450, 15 Aug, program "Desporto Revista", advertisements. SINPO 333432.

11915.1 R. Guaiba, Porto Alegre RS, 2107-2114, 21 Aug, football news,
and advertisements. SINPO 442432.
(all Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Aug 22)
(Source: WWDXC Top News - BC-DX # 822)