
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Blog Logs - Part 2

Thursday's Blog Logs feature Part 2 of logs from the latest DX Window. Thanks to Anker Petersen and the group. Best of DX your way! Todays edition begings with logs from Peru.
Gayle VH

All times UTC * sign-on sign-off *

4755.0v, R Huanta 2000, Huanta, *0913, Aug 15, sign on ann, but dominated by Campo Grande, Brazil. Checked back at 1054 "sunrise at transmitter" enhancement and heard it all alone with many mentions of Huanta and Peru and lots of sound effects, although overall poor due to static. Transmitter drifted downwards until finally settling on 4754.97 around 1035. (Jordan). Also heard 2239-2248, Aug 13, Quechoa, Indian songs, talks about Huanta, 45332. (Gonçalves)

4774.96, R Tarma, Tarma (p), *1059-1118, Aug 15, transmitter turned on at 0953 and measured at 4774.98. No audio noted until almost 1100 and barely improving to threshold audio by 1115-1118 despite greyline between Tarma and Memphis, at which time the transmitter had stablized around 4774.96. (Jordan)

4974.80, R del Pacifico, Lima (p), 0105-0115, Aug 08, Spanish report, 24222 weak utility QRM + CODAR. (Petersen)

4990.90, R Ancash, Huaraz, Ancash, 2230-2315, Aug 06, Spanish ID, "noticias" read by man and woman, 24332. (Schulze)

5039.10, R Libertad, 1049-1100, Aug 10, Spanish comments, Huaynos and canned ID using Echo Chamber effect. Signal was poor. (Bolland)

5940, R Rossii via Magadan, 0955-1010 and 1252-1300*, Aug 15 and 17, Russian commants and music, 1000 and 1300, 5+1 pips, fair-poor. Parallel with 7320 (fair) also via Magadan and 5920 (good) via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka. 7200 via Yakutsk was not heard at 1255. (Bolland and Howard)

Sierra Leone
13760, Cotton Tree News, via Rampisham, *0730-0800*, Aug 08, 09 and 21, brief African drums (same as for Star R) at 0730 sign on then female announcer with "CTN" ID in English and into local news in English, Creole, Mende, Limba and Temne to 0800 and off, 33433 QRM Voice of Korea in Korean on 13760. Ex 9525. (Ford and Petersen)

6150, Mediacorp R, Singapore, 1525-1535, Aug 08, English phone-in programme with a Doctor in studio, two ID's "93.8 Live", mentioned National Day tomorrow, 32333 QRM ORF 6155 so best heard in LSB. Also heard 1547-1600*, Aug 09, English ann, pop songs, ID before close: "93.8" and programme preview for FS programme at 1100 UTC 33333. (Petersen)

7235, R Warna, Singapore, 1530-1600*, Aug 08 and 09, Bahasa Malaysia ann, local pop songs, closed with R Warna jingle and frequency ann, 45434. (Petersen)

7275, Olikkalanjiam, Singapore, 1453-1605, Aug 08, 09 and 15, Tamil programme of film songs, but advs in English, 1500 and 1600 news ?, 44434. (Gonçalves and Petersen)

7200.0, R Omdurman, Al-Aitahab, 0310, Aug 12, Arabic talk, music bridges between segments then into religious
monologue at 0317. Dominant over co-channel R Bulgaria Russian service, with HAM SSB QRM on both sidebands. (Jordan). Also heard 1512-1516, Aug 15, Arabic talks, 34332, amateur CW QRM. (Gonçalves)

7245, Voice of Tajikistan, Yangiyul, *1659-1743, Aug 05 and 06, IS, National Anthem, English news with music bridges, Middle East music, 1730: "..You are listening to the Voice of Tajikistan...", reports, on Aug 04 it was in Vernaculars only, 44433. (Schulze)

4975.97, R Uganda, Kampala, 0245-0300, Aug 12, on early with long monologue in presumed Swahili, mentions of various African countries, then African vocals at the top of the hour. Mainly poor with moderate CODAR QRM, best in USB to avoid heterodynes from presumed Peru and Brazil on 4974.8. (Jordan)

9530, Voice of Vietnam 1, Son Tay, Hanoi, fade in 1540-1635, Vietnamese. Also heard *2200-2300, Jul 14, National Anthem, ID's, news, reports, adv for "Ajinamoto", 55444. (Schulze)

9725, Voice of Vietnam, via Moosbrunn, *1700-1730, Aug 15, English news, comment, Letterbox mentioning my report! folksong, 33332 improving to 44444, QRM VOV Son Tay 9730 in Vietnamese to Europe(!). (Petersen)

9730, Voice of Vietnam, Son Tay, 1600-1630, Aug 15, English news, comment, Letterbox mentioning my report!, folksong, 53444 QRM KBS in Korean underneath. Heard again with same programme 1900-1930, Aug 15, this time with 42442 QRM VOV via Skelton in Russian (QSA 5!) // 7280 (21321) QRM REE 7275
(Source: DX Window # 331 via ANker Petersen)
(Photo: Machu Picchu, Peru)