
Friday, August 24, 2007

Radio Netherlands Program Preview August 25 - 31

Welcome to our weekly guide to Radio Netherlands' English Service - a list of the new programmes coming up on Radio Netherlands this week, beginning on Saturday.

*** The State We're In ***
This week on The State We're In:

This week on The State We're In, we ask how we're treating the old, or are they called the elderly, or senior citizens? Well, first we figure out what to call them! Then we look into how the elderly are treated in modern Thailand.

A study shows that you lose your sense of humour as you grow older, so we ask a comedian specialised in jokes for the aged how to make 'em laugh. We meet the iCat, the feline android that will purr its way into your grandma's heart. And a resident of America's first retirement community for homosexuals tells us what it's like to live exclusively amongst the gay and grey.

Finally, we tell you the tale of the Dutch high school student who started the first float for gay and lesbian minors, and their parents, at this year's Amsterdam Gay Pride Parade.

And that's in The State We're In this week.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1500 (South Asia), 1800 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

Note that on Saturday we also run repeats of:
Network Europe on SW: 1400 (South Asia)
The Research File: 1430 (South Asia)

Amsterdam Forum and Echoes: 1900 and 1944 respectively (Central, East and South Africa)

*** Amsterdam Forum ***
Why are the poorest countries in the world failing and what can be done about it?

Aid alone will never be enough to help the world's poorest countries. And if the 'bottom billion' are to escape the pitfalls that have kept their economies stagnant for decades, Western governments will have to offer much more than money.

In some cases they may even have to send troops. That's what Paul Collier argues in his latest book, 'The Bottom Billion'. Collier, former director of development research at the World Bank, says global poverty is falling. But fifty failing states, the worlds poorest people, face a tragedy that is growing inexorably worse. Why do these states defy all attempts to help them? And why does current aid seem unable to make a difference? What is the best way to help the world's poorest?

Tune in on Sunday 26th to hear Paul Collier's new agenda for action.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1500 (South Asia), 1800 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

Repeated: Sat 1900 (Central, East and South Africa)

*** Echoes ***
Our new listener feedback programme. Mindy Ran responds to your comments, queries and complaints about our programmes. And featuring every week A Critical Eye - commentary from Perro de Jong.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1045 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1145 (Eastern N America), 1545 (South Asia), 1845 & 2045 (Central, East and South Africa), 0045 (Eastern N America), 0145 (Central N America), 0445 (Western N America)

Repeated: Sat 1945 (Central, East and South Africa)

Note that on Sunday we also run repeats of:
Flatlanders or EuroHit 40: 1400 (South Asia)
Arts and Culture: 1430 (South Asia)
The State We're in: 1900 (Central, East and South Africa)

*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** Flatlanders ***
Have you ever wondered why it is that every time mankind solves one problem, we just end up creating another, sometimes even bigger, problem? Well the answer is, simply: stupidity. Our guest in the next edition of Flatlanders, Dutch philosopher and writer Matthijs van Boxsel, is devoting a life of scholarly research to the study of stupidity and is publishing his findings in 'The Encyclopedia of Stupidity'. The first introductory volume has already been translated into sixteen languages. Listen to what he has to say in the next edition of Flatlanders.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)
Repeated: Sun 1400 (South Asia), Wednesday 1500 (South Asia) 1900 (Central, East and South Africa)

*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** The State We're In, Midweek Report ***
This week on The State We're In - Midweek Edition:

This week on The State We're In - Midweek Edition, we ask how we're treating the old, or are they called the elderly, or senior citizens? Well, first we figure out what to call them! Then we look into how the elderly are treated in modern Thailand.

A study shows that you lose your sense of humour as you grow older, so we ask a comedian specialised in jokes for the aged how to make 'em laugh. And we meet the iCat, the feline android that will purr its way into your grandma's heart.

All this and the human rights news, in this week's The State We're In - Midweek Edition.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)
Repeated: Thu 1430, 1500 (South Asia), 1900 (Central, East and South Africa) Sun 1900 (Central, East and South Africa)

*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** Arts and Culture ***
"A Deep Cancer - The Collapse of Zimbabwe"

Zimbabwe used to be the breadbasket of southern Africa. Today it cannot feed itself. It has the world's highest inflation rate - over 1400 percent - and 80 percent of the population is unemployed. It's a state teetering on the brink of collapse.

Most Zimbabweans and outsiders blame the government of President Robert Mugable for this situation. Many Zimbabweans have had enough. Join Eric Beauchemin for "A Deep Cancer: The collapse of Zimbabwe" - the last programme in the four-part series "The Abyss".

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)

Repeated: Fri 1500 (South Asia), 1900 (Central, East and South Africa), Sun 14:30 (South Asia)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** The Research File ***
This week in the Research File:
The Research File this week looks back a the strange weather of 2006. It seem like a climatic record was broken at last.

Also we'll take a closer look at biometrics - identification by measuring our bodies.
Then there is a new device which helps prevent side effects from radiation treatment in prostate cancer.
And we'll talk about Autism - are we seeing an epidemic?
So join us, for the Research File.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)

Repeated: Mon 1500 (South Asia), 1900 (Central, East and South Africa), Sat 1430 (South Asia)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** Network Europe ***
A Pan European team links up across the continent each week to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

The programme is a unique example of European co-operation, produced by the continent's leading international broadcasters, it reflects the diversity of European society and voices. Each week we drop in on specialists around Europe and catch up with our extensive network of correspondents for their unique take on the events shaping the week.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)

Repeated: Tues 1500 (South Asia), 1900 (Central, East and South Africa), Sat 1400 (South Asia)
(Radio Netherlands)
Photo/Radio Netherlands Madagascar Relay Station/