
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Worked all Europe DX Contest set for August 11

Worked All Europe DX Contest -- CW, sponsored by the Deutscher ARC from 0000Z Aug 11-2359Z Aug 12, (Phone is Sep 8-9; RTTY is Nov 10-11). Frequencies: 80-10 meters according to Region I band plan. Categories: SOHP, SOLP, MS, SWL. Spotting assistance allowed in all categories. SO operate 36 hrs max, up to three off periods of 1 hour min. Non-EU work EU only except RTTY, where everyone works everyone. Exchange: RS(T) and serial number. Score 1 pt/QSO and 1 pt/QTC. Final score is QSOs + QTCs × weighted multipliers. Multipliers: non-EU use WAE countries, EU use DXCC entities plus call districts in W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA, PY and RA8/9/Ø. (RTTY use WAE inside EU, DXCC outside EU, plus call districts.) Mults on 80m count ×4, on 40m ×3, otherwise ×2. A QTC is a report sent from a non-EU station back to an EU station of QSOs that took place earlier in the contest (RTTY QTC may only be exchanged between continents). A QTC contains the time, call sign, and QSO number of the station being reported (eg, 1307/DL1AA/346).

A QSO may only be reported once and not back to the originating station. A maximum of 10 QTCs can be sent to a single station. The same station can be worked several times to complete this quota, but only the original QSO has QSO point value. Keep a list of QTCs sent. For example, QTC 3/7 would indicate that this is the third series of QTCs sent, and seven QSOs are reported. For more information: or .

Logs due by Sep 15 (CW to ), Oct 15 (Phone to ) or Dec 15 (RTTY to ). Please use your call sign as the subject of the e-mail.
(Source: ODXA/Listening-In/Ham Radio Corner-David Ross)