
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New three language Turkmen radio to broadcast via satellite

Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a decree on creating a new Ovaz (Melody) radio channel of the General Directorate of the Turkmen TV. According to the document, the radio channel will start broadcasting in Turkmen, Russian and English. The decree approves the staff list of the new radio channel. The Ministry of Communications of Turkmenistan will broadcast the programmes through satellite and ground-based transponders [sic].
As the Ashgabat correspondent of reports, referring to the press-service of the Turkmen leader, the decision was taken with a view “to inform the world community of the music and song art of the Turkmen people, news in the sphere of economy, science, education, culture and art and further development of the efficiency of the information system”.
(Source: Netherlands Media Network Weblog)