
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Radio Japan closes German service Sept. 30

JAPAN/GABON/UK NHK World Radio Japan in German farewell program tomorrow.

On Sunday Sept 30th at
0600-0630 UT on 11970GAB 500kW 350degr
1100-1130 UT on 9850SKN 300kW 110degr and 11710SKN 300kW 70degr very last German service programm of NHK Tokyo to be scheduled.

Hideichiro Yamakawa and Prof. Friedrich Greil started the very first Radio Tokyo German service program on 20th June 1937, three times a week, soon be extended to a daily program later in 1937 year. Test broadcasts started already in April and May 1937.

Y.T. heard NHK Radio Japan in German for the very first time 44 years ago in
summer 1963, when I used a Schaub Lorenz Touring T40 portable set then.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX Sept 29)