
Friday, September 07, 2007

Radio Netherlands Program Preview Sept. 8- 14

Welcome to our weekly guide to Radio Netherlands' English Service - a list of the new programmes coming up on Radio Netherlands this week, beginning on Saturday.


*** The State We're In ***
This week on The State We're In we talk to an Iraqi man from the southern city of Basra about the withdrawal of British troops - How will the pull-out affect people's daily lives?

And we'll also explore something we all do, but rarely admit: Lying. "Why we lie" is the focus of this week's theme on The State We're In, the programme which considers how we treat each other.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1500 (South Asia), 1800 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

Note that on Saturday we also run repeats of:

Network Europe on SW: 1400 (South Asia)

The Research File: 1430 (South Asia)

Amsterdam Forum and Echoes: 1900 and 1944 respectively (Central, East and South Africa)

*** Amsterdam Forum ***

Does it matter what food we buy? Sales of organic, fair-trade and local food have shot up in recent years. The products allow consumers to express their concerns about their health, the environment to social justice and sustainable living. But some critics say 'ethical food' is not always as good as it appears to be on the packet - and buying it may actually harm the world more than helping it. Are they right? And what is the best choice for food shoppers with good intentions? Amsterdam Forum brings supporters of fair-trade, organic and local food together with a sceptic, who thinks we should swallow their claims with a big pinch of salt.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1500 (South Asia), 1800 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

Repeated: Sat 1900 (Central, East and South Africa)

*** Echoes ***

Our new listener feedback programme. Mindy Ran responds to your comments, queries and complaints about our programmes. And featuring every week A Critical Eye - commentary from Perro de Jong.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1045 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1145 (Eastern N America), 1545 (South Asia), 1845 & 2045 (Central, East and South Africa), 0045 (Eastern N America), 0145 (Central N America), 0445 (Western N America)

Repeated: Sat 1945 (Central, East and South Africa)

Note that on Sunday we also run repeats of:

Flatlanders or EuroHit 40: 1400 (South Asia)

Arts and Culture: 1430 (South Asia)

The State We're in: 1900 (Central, East and South Africa)

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** Flatlanders ***
Our guest in Flatlanders this week is Major General Patrick Cammaert, who recently retired from an impressive career as one of the UN's leading peacekeeping officers.
His career has taken him from the jungles of Cambodia and the Congo to UN headquarters in New York. In Flatlanders General Cammaert shares his insights about the present challenges of peacekeeping, what works and what needs to be changed.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)
Repeated: Sun 1400 (South Asia), Wednesday 1500 (South Asia) 1900 (Central, East and South Africa)

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** The State We're In, Midweek Report ***

This week on The State We're In - Midweek Edition we talk to an Iraqi man from the southern city of Basra about the withdrawal of British troops - How will the pull-out affect people's daily lives?

And we'll also explore something we all do, but rarely admit: Lying. "Why we lie" is the focus of this week's theme on The State We're In - Midweek Edition, the programme which considers how we treat each other.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)
Repeated: Thu 1430, 1500 (South Asia), 1900 (Central, East and South Africa) Sun 1900 (Central, East and South Africa)

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** Arts and Culture ***

"Conrad's Perfect Detonator"

On 13 September 1907, Polish/British writer Joseph Conrad published his novel "The Secret Agent". It is considered the first work of fiction to seriously consider terrorism. The story is set in London and 100 years later, it has chilling parallels to recent events there.

In early July, just days after the discovery in the West End of cars filled with explosives, David Swatling attended a London conference of the Joseph Conrad Society marking the 150th anniversary of the author's birth. One professor referred to "The Secret Agent" as "Conrad's perfect detonator". Find out why on Arts & Culture.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)

Repeated: Fri 1500 (South Asia), 1900 (Central, East and South Africa), Sun 14:30 (South Asia)
*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** The Research File ***

The Research File this week is a very 'mobile' programme.
First we have a report on a very successful alcohol prevention programme for young drivers.

Also we'll take a closer look at sat-nav systems like the famous Tomtom. It's more than the perfect map reader; it changes human behaviour.

And we take a test drive in the world's first hydrogen powered lorry that is going to be used on a day-to-day basis

So join us, for the Research File.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)

Repeated: Mon 1500 (South Asia), 1900 (Central, East and South Africa), Sat 1430 (South Asia)
*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** Network Europe ***

A Pan European team links up across the continent each week to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

The programme is a unique example of European co-operation, produced by the continent's leading international broadcasters, it reflects the diversity of European society and voices. Each week we drop in on specialists around Europe and catch up with our extensive network of correspondents for their unique take on the events shaping the week.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)

Repeated: Tues 1500 (South Asia), 1900 (Central, East and South Africa), Sat 1400 (South Asia)
(R Netherlands)