
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Senior Afghan broadcasting official resigns

Radio Netherlands Worldwide has learned that Abdul Rahman Panjshiri, Director of Planning & Foreign Relations at the National Radio and Television of Afghanistan (RTA), has resigned afer 29 years with the organisation. Mr Panjshiri has told international colleagues of the reasons for his decision:
“Following the appointment of Mr Khorram at the Ministry of Information and Culture (MIC), I continuously tried to encourage him to move toward and promote Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) in Afghanistan. With deep regret I failed to succeed in my endeavours in this regard.
“Mr Khorram aims to curb the promotion of PSB in Afghanistan, although the Afghanistan Government has made commitments to the international community to move toward PSB.
“During my last meeting with Mr Khorram he ignored all values of PSB and instructed me to direct all RTA’s Planning and Foreign Relations works through concerned department of MIC. He was critical why RTA establishes independent contacts with national and international organizations. He cited that RTA has no right to establish such contacts in the future and all contacts should go through the Foreign Relations Department of the MIC.
“During my 29 years of services with RTA I have not seen such an attempt to suppress freedom and interference in RTA works. I would like to say that unless the international community takes serious action now all initiatives by both national and International organizations to foster PSB in Afghanistan will go in vain under the leadership of Mr Khorram.
“I have decided to resign from my position with RTA due to the above facts.”
(Source: Abdul Rahman Panjshiri direct/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)