
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

BBC prepares for giant shakeup

By Torin Douglas
Media correspondent, BBC News

Plans for sweeping changes at the BBC over the next six years are being discussed on Wednesday by the BBC Trust, which represents licence-payers. Substantial job cuts are expected, particularly in the news and factual television departments.

When BBC director general Mark Thompson presents his new six-year strategy to the BBC Trust members today, it should not come as any great surprise to them.

His proposals have been discussed with them and their advisers over several months. Indeed, some of the details have been widely leaked - though just how accurately remains to be seen.

That doesn't reduce the meeting's significance. While Thompson runs the BBC day-to-day, with an executive board, the trust's job is to approve the strategy and ensure the BBC is run in the public interest, on behalf of licence-payers.

This is one of its few big opportunities to influence that process.
Read more on this story from the BBC News page at: