
Monday, October 01, 2007

Possible upcoming frequency changes for Radio Havana

Arnie Coro CO2KK
0500-0700 UT RHC auf 6000, 6060, 6180 kHz.

Possible upcoming frequency changes for North America ...expect a possible comeback of 9820 kiloHertz during the BO7 broadcast season, but we first must study very well how the frequency of optimum traffic curve moves up or down before taking the decision to move up to 9820 kiloHertz.

We are now operating from 0500 to 0700 our English language service to the Pacific Coast of North America on 6000 kiloHertz, using the four by four array of dipoles, a beautiful curtain array capable of up to 19 dB gain over a single half wave dipole. As usual during any frequency changes, our engineering deparment will appreciate very much signal reports about our new to the Pacific Coast of North America frequency, 6000 kiloHertz from
0500 to 0700 UTC, and our 6060 kiloHertz frequency to Eastern North America from 0500 to 0700 hours UTC, we are also using now 6180 Kilohertz to Central North America from 01 to 07 hours UTC.please send your reports to and I will relay them immediately to our Engineering staff ...
(via OADX / hcdx, Sept 25)
(Source: World Wide DX Top News-BC-DX 827)